I’ll score for you

"Oh, Penny, you're here," Haines mused as soon as he saw Penny excusing herself to get to her seat. He smiled when Penny sat down next to him, while Slater, who was seated on Haines' other side, tilted his head.

"Penny, have you placed your bets? Is that why you were late?" asked Slater, grinning from ear to ear. "I placed all my cash today on my chosen team."

Penny looked at her brother and blinked. "What is your chosen team, Third Brother?"

At Penny's question, Haines also turned to Slater because the way he said it was quite vague. Knowing Slater, he would have proudly told Penny which team he placed his bets on if it was the same team as hers.

"Hehe." Slater grinned. "I put it on our family, of course!"

Penny and Haines narrowed their eyes, only to catch James tilting his head, revealing himself from Slater's other side.