This is going to be bad for them


The end of the second quarter came with thunderous roars and whistles as the crowd's energy grew more intense. After five minutes of the game, Hugo's team slowly began to dominate the court. Despite Max's encouragement to his team, they were unstoppable.

"This is… amazing," Nina blurted out in disbelief. "Even though I don't fully understand it, I can't believe they closed the gap."

During the first quarter and the first five minutes of the second half, Team Hugo was still at zero. But now, not only had they reached half of Max's team's score, but they had also raised their chances of winning.

"They look exhausted," she added under her breath, her eyes on the other team.

On the court, Max was resting his hands on his knees, his eyes on the scoreboard, while his teammates were breathless.

"I didn't know they were actually good at this," Slater, who was sitting in the same row, murmured. "It's… kinda cool."