Weighing his choices

Love was something Finn hadn't experienced or thought about. Even when he pursued Nina, earned her sweet "yes," held her hand, kissed her lips, and whispered sweet nothings in her ear, he didn't think of it as anything more than what it was. In his mind, Nina was just a tool he could hold onto for his own benefit.

She was someone he knew would be key to his survival and someone he could use for leverage.

It had been like that from the start… and it should remain that way.

It should stay that way until the end.

"... Can you erase her from my mind?" Finn asked, choking on his words as the memories flooded back to him.

Her sweet "yes," as she let him into her life, how rough her palms were as proof of her hard work but they were the warmest to hold him, her soft lips, and her voice that filled his heart with emotions he'd never felt before. And as he recalled all of it— all of her— he realized just how troubling this was.