You know what's the most interesting part?

"So, your name is not Plus One, huh?" one of the women interviewing Jonathan mused. "You're Jonathan. What a nice name."

"Has anyone told you your name suits your face?" another one commented coquettishly. "It has a nice ring to it."

"I know, right?"

"God has given." Suddenly, Penny's voice was heard nearby, making the women turn to check.

There, approaching them, was Penny, her bodysuit bouncing a little with each step. Penny was smiling, stopping a few steps from them, her eyes on Jonathan.

"Penny, what are you talking about?" asked one of the ladies.

Penny smirked, glancing at the ladies. However, she didn't answer because Jonathan beat her to it.

"The meaning of my name… as others say," he mused, setting his eyes back on Penny. "What a pleasure to be approached by the… god of this fan club."

"Am I interrupting your social interactions?"