A beautiful person… and a sad one.


"You're out of your mind."

"Just what else do you need — are you this bored?"

"Who is she to you, huh? Just why the hell do you meddle in other people's business? Since when have you meddled in other people's affairs? You don't even meddle in this damn family's affairs, but you'd go so far as to meddle with others!"

"What a madman. Zoren Pierson, I'm still debating whether I'm amused or disappointed. But alas… I'm already involved. What tough luck."

These were just a few among the thousands of comments Zoren could remember from the people around him. Dean, Finn, Benjamin, Mark… and everyone who knew of Zoren's involvement with a criminal on death row. Those who knew that he had even married a dead person offered tons of different criticisms. 

But he knew what made them angriest was his lack of reaction to all of them.