The very gift of life


Penny scrunched up her nose, shaking her head in disbelief. "First things first, I'm not worried about their love lives. I don't care. Grandma just… she misunderstood me and I didn't have the heart to tell her that they're a hopeless bunch."

Allison and Zoren smiled at her before they both chuckled. Their reaction made Penny's brows rise.

"What?" Penny asked, pouting a little as she darted her eyes between the two of them. "I'm telling the truth!"

"We know that," Allison replied, her laughter subsiding as she cast Zoren a knowing look. "We both know you're too busy to worry about that, especially when it comes to your brothers."

"Then why...?"

"Mom simply doesn't want them polluting the house and pouring their bad energy in here," Zoren explained. "Those are her words, not mine."