No police

"Hey! It's me — shit! Are you okay?"

That question was probably the dumbest thing Patricia had heard today. Did she look okay? Did she look fine? Even though she hadn't seen herself in the mirror, she knew her physical state was a giveaway.

She wasn't fine.

She was scared to death.

Her entire body was in pain and shaking. Her bones felt as soft as tofu, and her heart kept pounding against her chest — it felt like she would faint any second.

But, alas, tears began to coat her eyes as the face before her slowly grew clearer.


Her bleeding lips quivered as she bit them, sniffing hard as tears continued to fall down her cheeks. She clasped his arm as tightly as she could as if making sure this was real. She wanted to make sure this wasn't just an illusion — someone had come to save her.