Did he just say… Atlas?

Allen could understand being annoyed because someone was interrupting their work. After all, who would want their time wasted? That's why Allen was initially understanding of the security guards; he even felt apologetic and ashamed.

However, after the security guards showed their true colors, Allen realized one thing.

This wasn't about the access card anymore. These people had been judging him before he even walked in. Was it the way he looked? His clothes? His face? Or had they been watching when Allen was acting a little crazy outside?

Whatever the reason was, no one deserved to be treated or looked down on like this. They didn't even ask for his ID! Allen offered to leave his license, but they wouldn't even look at it. What they wanted was the one thing Allen didn't have.

The only good thing they did was let Allen stay idle by the entrance. Even that was embarrassing, as he received odd looks from those who noticed him.