I’ll make her my wife.

"Minty, why are you staying at my place, by the way?" Benjamin placed the cup of noodles on the table before sitting at the dining table. As he slid the cup of noodles across to the person sitting across from him, he added, "Since you're here for business reasons, shouldn't Homeland Security be covering your accommodation?"

"And waste more taxpayers' money instead of using it for citizens' security?" Minty shrugged, her eyes glinting as she asked, "Why? Don't you want me to stay with you?"

"What? Of course not!" he panicked. "I'm just asking out of pure curiosity, but that doesn't mean I don't enjoy having you here."

Satisfied, Mint nodded. "I guess my presence does make you happy. Earlier, I think you were almost dying until you saw me."

Benjamin's smile twitched as he watched Mint's prideful smile. However, he didn't dwell on it.