Take him with you

Who would have thought traveling with a large group could be fun?

Penny didn't know that until she experienced it. The plan was that this trip was only for Zoren and Penny — a honeymoon! But this wasn't so bad at all.

The large group explored the town with Benjamin as the tour guide. Benjamin boasted to everyone that he had been to this place many times. Surprisingly, his cousin had lived there for a few years, so Benjamin claimed that he had grown up there, even though he had only visited during the summers.

They were able to try some street food, chat with the locals, tour around the place, and buy some things. Penny's itinerary was much simpler than that, but it was still more enjoyable than she expected.

Before they knew it, it was already night.

"Time felt like it just passed," Penny mumbled, now at a restaurant Benjamin recommended for dinner. She giggled as she recalled something funny from the day. "Lily, how was the worm we tried?"