The tiny kind of pinch

[Back to the Base]

"What did you just say?" Penny gasped in disbelief, glancing back at the barely clothed men she had tied up in one of the many rooms of the building.

After cornering them earlier, Penny had disarmed them and brought them to the safest, empty room she could find. Surprisingly, this building had plenty of unused rooms. Given the number of people she had seen earlier, she knew that one building wouldn't be enough to accommodate everyone. Yet, this part of the building remained vacant.

She had stripped them almost naked, leaving only their boxer shorts on, just in case they were hiding anything underneath. Of course, they tried to fight her, using brute strength, but found themselves on the ground, making it easy for her to tie them together.

But just when she thought things were going as smoothly as planned, she realized she was wrong.