Benjamin and Slater hung their heads low, wide-eyed. They couldn't believe what they had just heard. This shouldn't surprise them, but they hadn't thought about it earlier. They had been too focused on finding their way out. Had it not been for one of the hostages in the building telling them the way, they would have taken much longer.
Besides, they didn't think they had been abducted for that long. It had been only an hour or two since they were taken. They didn't think that was enough to raise an alarm, especially since Slater and Benjamin had gone to night markets before and stayed out late.
But Atlas was saying…
Slowly, Benjamin and Slater lifted their heads and locked eyes with Atlas. Atlas's presence alone was enough proof that the names of those who infiltrated the base to rescue them were indeed inside. Otherwise, Atlas wouldn't be there.
"I need to go back," Slater breathed out and quickly turned.