Missed us

Patricia had always been treated like a princess in her home. She had never ridden public transportation, aside from a school bus during field trips back in the day. So, she had no idea how to take a bus or train—something that was basic knowledge for many others. 

She had underestimated just how many struggles commuters faced beyond simply finding the bus stop or waiting for the next train. It was rush hour, meaning the bus was packed, and she had to stand the entire ride to her destination. When she transferred to the train for a quicker route, she was squeezed between people as if they were sardines in a can. 

She got a whiff of all kinds of sweat, different body odors, and even the sound of people breathing right next to her! It was horrifying, making her hold her breath until she reached her station. That was why she was gasping for air the moment she stepped off, running to catch the last bus she needed to take. 

But the bus stop was full too.