I remember, Penny.


The sound of glass shattering echoed in Penny's ears like a clap of thunder. However, that wasn't what terrified her. It wasn't the sound itself, but rather what would come after it.

"What do you think you're doing?!" Slater's voice erupted in the room, filled with rage. His burning gaze flickered between his sister across the room and the shattered figurine on the floor. Clenching his teeth, he marched toward her.

"I—I'm sorry, Third—"

"Shut up!" Slater yelled, making her flinch. "I've told you so many times not to come into my room! And now, you're apologizing for breaking my stuff? Why don't you ever listen?!"

In a state of panic, Penny stuttered, "But—but—I didn't mean—Nina said—"

"I said shut up! I don't care what Nina said!" he hissed, his fists balling tightly. "All I care about is what I said, and you clearly don't listen!"