Hugo's reaction to all of this was still unknown. However, they had seen Slater's reaction and confession—he bawled his eyes out until they were puffy. Even now, Slater's eyes were still slightly squinted.
But Atlas?
He wouldn't grovel at her feet or cry his eyes out. He might apologize, but at this point, it was long overdue. It wasn't enough to quell her anger and pain. Moreover, if what she said was true, then if she didn't get her revenge, he would. Even if he had to spend the rest of his life trying to find a way to go back in time just to punch himself, he would.
"I'll help you plan my murder."
Penny's mouth fell open, her eyes widening. Her mind blanked momentarily as she processed the words he had just spoken.
"Wait, what?" she gasped when she recovered. "You want to plan your own murder?"
"I said I'd assist. So you can call me an accomplice to this crime we're about to commit."