How did you get into Homeland Security?

"That is low, you know?" Penny hugged Renny and Chunchun on the couch, glaring daggers at Atlas. "You didn't have to use my children to stop me. Gee!" 

A huff escaped Penny as she sulked on the long couch with her pets. Before she and Mark could leave the residence, they saw Renny and Chunchun running toward her. Mark naturally stopped—he didn't want to hurt them, even though Renny could easily trash their little sedan if it wanted to. 

With them around the car, Penny didn't have the heart not to open the door for them. They showered her with love and kisses, which was nice—until Hugo and Atlas dragged her into Zoren's study for whatever reason. 

"I haven't had dinner yet," she whimpered. "Should we eat first? I feel like I'll get indigestion if we talk before eating."