You kept them alive


"No wonder Stephen Bennet surprisingly had a change of heart," Hugo hissed, thinking Stephen Bennet wouldn't have done what he had if not for Slater interfering. "That old—"

"We can't blame him," Penny replied, now sitting up with Renny's head on her lap. "Stephen Bennet might be cruel, but… from what I've known about him, he would never do anything to ruin the entire Bennet family."

"He loves it. Even so, the situation is dire for him, and he has no way out," Atlas continued, nodding in understanding. "Slater merely gave him a way out, which is… us."

Slater nodded, his eyes back on Hugo. "Any one of us could have given him the chance. It just happened that I was the one who was there and picked up the bottle of pills in his possession. For him, it was his life and his family over others. And if I were in that same situation, I would choose… you."