How had she forgotten about him?  

Unlike what everyone believed—that Penny was the good-for-nothing daughter of the Bennet Family—she was actually part of the most elite research group in Anteca. Just because she didn't talk about it much, people often overlooked the fact that she was frequently invited to events to speak about their research and give statements. 

She didn't make a lot of money, just like in the current timeline, but her name was well-known in the medical field. Even respected doctors recognized her work, read and follow her papers. 

"Still, it doesn't make sense," she muttered under her breath. "I was not the target, Second Brother." 

Penny snapped her gaze to her side, where Hugo was standing, munching the last slice of pizza. "The target was First Brother, not me. It's the Bennets they tried to take down, and I suspect it's because of the piers First Brother was handling." 

"I know." Hugo nodded. "But in the end, who went down in that scandal? The Bennets… and you."