Meanwhile, in the backseat of the car, Lily held her phone close to her. Her eyes shimmered with mischief as she giggled to herself, thinking about her plans for the night. When the car pulled over, the door suddenly flew open from the outside.
Turning her head, Lily's smile stretched. "Heya, Ginnie!!"
"Lily, what is it this time?" Ginnie, who was only wearing a sweatshirt, ducked to look at her friend. "I told you, I can't go tonight."
"But I'm sad!" Lily frowned.
"Sad? You just looked like an evil stepmother a moment ago," Ginnie pointed out. "Didn't seem sad to me."
"Oh, come on!" Lily pleaded. "Senior Hugo is going to be there!"
Ginnie blinked and tilted her head to the side. "And?"
"Please…?" Lily's eyes twinkled. "Ginnie, I didn't tell you the truth, but back on the island… I fell in love with him!"