Silence filled the car as neither Grace nor Haines spoke. Grace found comfort in her seat, hugging herself as she gazed out the window. After a moment, a small smile tugged at her lips as she recalled the fun she had at the nightclub.
"Is your nephew going to be in trouble?" she asked, turning her attention to the man in the driver's seat.
Haines didn't answer immediately. "His father is going to hear about this for sure."
"So he is, huh?" she chuckled. "Is there anything I can say to lighten his sentence?"
This time, Haines remained silent.
"Please do not ignore me," she remarked, tilting her head. "Do I make you uncomfortable?"
"No, you don't," he replied, eyes fixed on the road. "I just don't appreciate this prank they're pulling."
"A prank...?" Grace pressed her lips together and rocked her head slightly. "So, you still think it's a prank, huh?"