Penny, Atlas, and Dean instinctively lowered their heads, squeezing themselves into their seats. Dean even reclined the driver's seat to hide, stretching his neck to peek over the window.
"..." Atlas opened his mouth, but at the same time, Penny's palm covered it. Sliding his eyes to her, he saw Penny hiding behind the front passenger seat while peeking over it. When he shifted his eyes to Dean, the latter was doing the same thing as his sister.
Dean had left his window half an inch open, so they could hear Jonathan talking to someone on the phone.
The three of them quietly hid and eavesdropped for a moment, their ears growing twice their size.
"Ah, okay," Jonathan chuckled. "Alright then."
Jonathan kept his smile as he ended the call, but it faded a little when he looked at his phone. Shrugging, he climbed into his car, which was parked several slots across from Dean's. He reached his car first and didn't see anyone in Dean's vehicle.