Seeing Penny and Zoren was not new to Dean. However, this was the first time he had seen such a scene unfold before his eyes. A shallow breath escaped him as he looked away, ignoring the shameless slander that kept flying out of her mouth.
Zoren, whose heart quickly melted at Penny's warm tears, sighed in defeat. He glanced at Atlas, who shrugged in response.
"Penny, don't cry anymore," he said, stroking her back reassuringly. "I wasn't mad, just worried."
Penny hiccuped and looked up at him. "Really?"
"Hehe." She giggled intuitively, then caught herself. Clearing her throat, she adopted a weak expression and hugged him again. "Still, I feel bad about it."
No, she wasn't — Dean, Atlas, and even Zoren's thought.
For once, the three of them had to agree on one thing. Even so, it was up to Zoren whether to drag this on. Obviously, he didn't plan on doing that. After all, his wife was already in his arms.