Just not tonight


When they got home, Penny chose the closest room to the master bedroom for Nina. After what had happened tonight, she knew Nina might need some company.

"Penny, thank you," Nina said as soon as she placed her stuff down on the bed, facing Penny. "Really, thank you. And I'm sorry for crashing at your place so unexpectedly."

"You have no idea how many unoccupied rooms this place has," Penny replied, leaning against the stand with her arm propped on the surface. "Are you sure you'll be fine here tonight? Or should I stay with you?"

Nina shook her head. "I don't think your husband would love that."

And she was right—Zoren, who was leaning outside the room, nodded in agreement.

"Alright, then." Penny smacked her lips. "By the way, you should let Finn know you'll be staying here tonight."

"About that…" Nina slowly walked up to Penny, her eyes gleaming with innocence.