Lester was not like the other men at the table. He was not like Charles, who had maintained a patriarchal hold over his family while still showing his wife has the same power. He was not like Charles's children—Atlas, who had made a name for himself and shone on his own rather than living in his father's or family's shadow. Nor Hugo, who, even from a young age, had fought for everything and proven his worth. He wasn't as popular as Slater or as composed as Haines.
He wasn't even like his brilliant son, Yugi.
At this table, Lester was just a father and a husband to the most beautiful woman in his eyes. He wasn't even a side character—more like an extra. A humble man, perhaps the weakest in the room. However, tonight was an important night for Nina, his daughter.
And even though he was just human among these beasts, he was not afraid to find his voice and speak his mind.
"What changed?" he asked, offering Finn a kind and encouraging smile.