Haines grunted as he instinctively reached for his head before opening his eyes. However, the usual headache he expected never came. A deep crease formed between his brows as his eyes slowly adjusted.
"Penny," he breathed out, recalling the last thing he remembered from the previous night. But before he could dwell on it, he took in his unfamiliar surroundings.
Haines froze, glancing around the room.
It was spacious, tidy, and well-lit. Hints of pink and gold decorated the space, giving it a feminine touch—but not overwhelmingly so. As he inhaled, a delicate, distinctly feminine scent lingered in the air. Looking down at himself, he noted that he was still in his inner dress shirt, though his blazer and tie were draped neatly over a nearby chair.
"Where… is this?" he muttered, completely confused. He had never been here before.