Mildred almost choked on her tea upon hearing what Haines had just told her. Her naturally small eyes widened as she stared at the man across from her in the café.
"What did you just say?" she asked, her voice tinged with surprise and disbelief.
Haines let out a shallow breath, pinching the bridge of his nose. "I made a mistake."
"A mistake?" Mildred let out a sharp laugh. "You didn't just make a mistake—you made a terrible one."
"I can't take it back."
"What's done is done." Mildred nodded, composing herself as she mulled over Haines's confession. A slow smirk curled her lips. "Does this mean I have to go to the Old Pierson Residence and confess?"
Haines peeked at her and sighed. "Would you?"
"You think I would? With that kind of reasoning?" Mildred exhaled sharply, shaking her head. "That poor girl… She's going to get her heart broken for sure. The mature man she was after doesn't seem so mature after all—at least, not in this area."