Kristie is dead!

Barbara waited for a long time, her anxiousness soared high. She kept moving back and forth while thinking about what happened. The man Kaisar appointed was looking at her movement with a blank face while Hans sat beside a tree. 

Not being able to withstand it anymore, she decided to go looking for Kristie herself. However, as she took one step, Kristie appeared. 

"Big Sister!" Hans exclaimed, rushing to Kristie.

Barbara examined Kristie, who stood there like an unbeatable knight, but she could see the tiredness beneath those determined green orbs and the slightly shaken of her hands. 

Barbara stepped closely. "How was it?" she asked.

"Not as hard as I imagined," she replied with confidence. 

Barbara"s lips curved upward. "There is a carriage waiting for us, let us go," she informed, leading the way.

Barbara followed the man to the carriage. As they got in, the atmosphere inside turned into silence.