Saving the Clayton Family's Golden Boy

After the three thugs left, the woman clapped her hands together repeatedly, "The trash has been taken care of, but I have to mop up the stupid thug's urine," she muttered. And after remembering something, she turned to Sammy who was hiding earlier, "Hi Boy, come on out. The bad guys are all gone." she called.

Sammy came out with an expression that was still scared, "Oh, why are you still scared? Come here with Auntie." she called again and made Sammy approach slowly.

"A-auntie, thank you. You are really good like Bee," said the little one gratefully, adding praise.

"Bee? What do you mean?"

Sammy shook his head, he didn't mean to call the woman a bee, "No, Auntie. Bee is my favorite yellow robot. Bumble Bee, Auntie. You are good at fighting like a Bumble Bee."

Smiling awkwardly while scratching the nape of her neck which didn't itch. The woman didn't know how to respond when a bad attitude like fighting became something extraordinary in the child's eyes.

"Hmm, so what do you want to do now? Where were you going until you got lost at my flower shop? Why don't you just go home after school?"

Various questions arose from the woman who helped Sammy, making him have to tell the truth about his idea of ​​skipping classes and his intention to make a pilgrimage to his mother's grave.

'Poor kid...' the woman thought softly. Her hand reached out to smooth Sammy's hair, "Next time tell your father or another adult, okay? Now, I will take you home first, huh? Make the pilgrimage with your family next time. And then, what's your name?"

"Sammy, Auntie. What's your name? Why was you so good at fighting those thugs?" Sammy asked back.

The woman smiled, "Viona. Just call me Vio. And please don't tell anyone about that, okay? Can you, Sammy?" While showing her little finger to link to Sammy's finger, the woman named Viona answered.

Yes, her name is Viona Bharadja, a beautiful, energetic 29 year old woman. She is the owner of Viona Florist, which has just been operating this week, replacing the previous flower shop which for some reason sold the shop and the flowers there cheaply. 

"Come on, Sammy, I will take you home," said Viona, who started to move to straighten out some of her things that were messy because of the thugs, "But, your house is in—, Akh!" her speech paused, replaced by a scream and then silence.

Viona slipped on the urine, causing her to stagger and hit her head on the edge of the cashier's desk. The woman fainted. Hmm, one thing to keep in mind. Viona is good at fighting, but when it comes to small things, she is careless.

Wouldn't it look ridiculous if a woman as strong as Bumble Bee slipped on pee? Hihi…


Clayton Health Center, a private hospital owned by a respected family in the capital, where Viona is being treated.

This afternoon Viona woke up with pain still in her head. The first thing she saw was a handsome man like a prince who was narrated in the romance novels she often read. Now, sit in the chair next to the window right next to her.

The man sat with his long legs crossed. Wearing a striped shirt with a black tie tied neatly around his neck collar.

His very handsome face was bathed in the morning sunlight, making the curve of his firm jaw even more charming in Viona's eyes. His indifferent expression gave the impression that the man was a cold and stiff King.

The handsome man, who felt he was being noticed, immediately turned to Viona with a sharp gaze. The glance in his eyes was like a knife that could scratch the skin because it was so sharp, making Viona feel embarrassed, nervous to be precise, because the aura emitted by this man was truly deadly.

Viona, who was not used to being watched so intensely, felt awkward and disturbed. Especially when the man saw her ridiculous behavior of wiping drool from the corner of her lips.

'Oh my, how embarrassing. Why am I drooling like this?' she cursed to herself.

Ignoring the discomfort caused by the man's sharp glance, Viona dared herself to ask, "Sorry, sir. How did I get here? Who brought me here?"

"And did you see a child, maybe nine years old if I'm not mistaken. Hmm, I think his name is Sammy."

"A little boy in a school uniform?" said the man, raising his eyebrows when he heard Viona explain. Then he turned his gaze to the right, then answered Viona's question in an even tone of voice, "You mean that child?"

Viona followed the man's gaze, who was stiff like an ice statue that didn't know when it would melt. And she found the handsome little guy who was fast asleep with an IV drip attached to the back of his little hand.

"Well, that's right, that's the kid!" she answered spontaneously, but immediately Viona covered her lips, "but what happened? Is he sick?" she continued confused. Without waiting for the man's answer, Viona slowly got out of bed.

'Well, why am I getting an IV too? Am I sick?' she asked to herself, 'Damn it. It's really stupid, the important thing is to look at the little one first.' Viona ignored her hand, then approached the little one's bed, put her hand on the little one's hands.

"What happened? Why is he on an IV? He was fine before." Viona mumbled but the man nearby could still hear her.

"He had a fever."

"Fever?" she repeated and reflexively touched Sammy's forehead, "Thank God, the fever is gone." The feeling of relief coincided with a heavy sigh. Viona was relieved, she was finally able to help the little one and now his fever was being treated well.

Viona turned her gaze to the man who was still sitting casually and gave him a sharp glance.

"Hey, sir, who are you for this kid?" Viona asked, repeatedly confirming that the two of them were similar.

"Hmm, I'm the father. So what?" the man answered in a tone that was still flat.

Viona again confirmed their similarities, and after that took a deep breath before expressing her disappointment.

"Oh, so it's true you're the father?" Viona asked again. She cleared her throat for a moment, clearing her throat so she could speak fluently to the handsome man who had been cold for a long time, "Ahem, do you know what kind of parents you are who carelessly let elementary school children walk and get lost in my shop?"

"Just think about it, if this child accidentally became the target of kidnapping by thugs who were drunk and needed money? If he was sold for just five million rupiah, they could buy happy flour, you know!" Viona raised her tone at the man. It was clear that this time she was emotional, remembering Sammy's fear at that time.

"Shut up and shut your mo—,"

"You shut up and listen to me first!" Viona immediately cut off the man who was starting to get provoked, "You didn't see your child's face turn pale with fear when he was approached by the thugs there, right? He's scared, sir! Then, where are you, who said was his father?"

"Excuse me, Mr. Clayton. "The doctor has come, okay..." said a nurse who was seen opening the door wide. From there entered a man wearing glasses who was mentioned by the doctor who wanted to check the condition of the patient in that room.

"Hello, Mr. Joe Clayton…" said the doctor.

Viona froze, but not because the doctor came and approached her to examine her. However, the name the nurse mentioned earlier felt familiar.

"J-Joe Clayton?" Viona stuttered to say his name.

Joe Clayton, President Director of The Eye God Tower, a well-known company that just three days ago Viona came to apply for a job. Of course she can recognize her own Big Boss candidate. But because the face of this rich man was rarely exposed by the media, Viona didn't immediately recognize him.

"Wait!" Viona's spontaneous words succeeded in making everyone's attention in the room focus on her, "So if he's Joe Clayton, does that mean Sammy is the golden boy of the Clayton family?"

Viona immediately received simultaneous nods from the doctor and two nurses there.

'I'm dead. I was so stupid that I just cursed at my future Big Boss!' she cursed to herself. Then, she turned again to the future boss, "Is it true that I helped the golden child of the Clayton family? That's not a lie, right?" Again, everyone nodded, except Joe.

Viona returned to her patient's bed, letting the doctor check her condition. Obediently, the woman answered the doctor's questions to her. Her body was too weak because she still couldn't believe she had helped the successor of the Clayton family, who was predicted to be the top business family in this country.

"Mr President, it seems that Young Master Samuel and Miss are in good condition. Thankfully, the impact on Miss Viona's head did not cause anything untoward. We will provide a detailed health report shortly. We'll excuse ourselves, sir." The doctor reported his examination and left after Joe gave him a short nod.

After the doctor and nurse left, Joe glanced again at Viona, as if he knew the expression of the woman in front of him at the moment, who was thinking about what she would get after helping her child.

"One wish." In a flat tone, Joe spoke looking at Viona.