Union - part1

Arthur was during his soliloquy as most of the shelves had been organized. 'Hmm, I believe I've accomplished enough for now. It's time for lunch,' Arthur pondered, admiring his work. Just as he readied himself to leave, the library door swung open. Two boys entered, and as they ascended the stairs, Arthur overheard - Jonathan, your part of the Lux family. You must be familiar with the joining process, right? Why bother with the public library for books? - Jonathan's classmate inquired. This classmate was a tall boy, appearing to be around 10 years old, with shoulder-length hair and striking blue eyes. Jonathan continued up the stairs, searching for a unity book, while his classmate responded, - Allan, I don't think you understand how things work at school. But I can understand, you probably don't have much family support to guide you. I can share a secret my father told me yesterday, but you'll owe me one, dear? - Jonathan asked with a smile on his face as he read the names of the books on the shelves.

 Arthur was during his soliloquy as most of the shelves had been organized. 'Hmm, I believe I've accomplished enough for now. It's time for lunch,' Arthur pondered, admiring his work. Just as he readied himself to leave, the library door swung open. Two boys entered, and as they ascended the stairs, Arthur overheard - Jonathan, your part of the Lux family. You must be familiar with the joining process, right? Why bother with the public library for books? - Jonathan's classmate inquired. This classmate was a tall boy, appearing to be around 10 years old, with shoulder-length hair and striking blue eyes. Jonathan continued up the stairs, searching for a unity book, while his classmate responded, - Allan, I don't think you understand how things work at school. But I can understand, you probably don't have much family support to guide you. I can share a secret my father told me yesterday, but you'll owe me one. - Jonathan said with a smile on his face as he read the names of the books on the shelves.

Allan felt uneasy about Jonathan's smile, but he still considered it. 'Come to think of it, owing a favor isn't a big deal, right? If he asked me... No, if Lux really wanted me to do something, I don't think I would have a choice anyway. Since I'll have to help him in the future if he needs it, I can at least get some information that will help me tomorrow.' Allan thought to himself for a moment before agreeing to owe Jonathan a favor. Allan looked at Jonathan, who was still browsing the shelves, and despite not liking his expression, he put on a somewhat forced smile and spoke. – Owe you a favor? Owing a favor to someone like you is not an obligation, it's an opportunity, right? – Allan said, trying to force his best smile.

'This guy. Doesn't grasp the contrast between owing a favor and fulfilling an obligation, is it worth having a favor from someone like that?' Jonathan, who had been recording the entire conversation since he left school, started questioning the value of spending time with the boy in front of him. Then he glanced at Allan's smiling face and pondered, 'At least he's adept at maintaining appearances, and you can never do too many favors. Just say it, it's not truly relevant given that his father already knows and will explain it to him today anyway.'

This secret isn't a huge deal, but it can still be helpful. So, keep that in mind for the future. –Jonathan said.

- Of course, there's no need to worry. – Allan replied.

-Let's take a seat, even though it's not a very long explanation, conversing while standing isn't very enjoyable. – Jonathan went to a nearby table without waiting for Allan's response. Despite not liking Jonathan's personality, Allan followed closely and did his best not to show it.


As the two boys walked towards the table, Arthur, who happened to be listening, became annoyed. They hadn't noticed him arranging the shelves, so they kept talking as if nothing was wrong. But when they mentioned something that caught his interest, they went to the table, which really frustrated Arthur.

'It's going to be difficult, but maybe I can listen in if no one goes upstairs.' Arthur looked at the table where they both sat, and a small smile formed on his face. 'I guess I can consider myself lucky that they chose the closest table?' Arthur leaned against the shelf and glanced at the digital clock hanging on the wall as he waited for them to start talking to each other. 'Hmm... I should be finishing my other tasks, but I guess it's okay to linger here a little longer and listen to them talking, just stay quiet and pretend I was just cleaning while they talk, hehe.' Arthur held a rag he used on the shelves in case he was seen and just kept looking at the table through the spaces in the books with a silly little smile on his face.

- Allan, what do you know about the joining process? - Jonathan asked.

- Um, I don't know any secrets if there are any... But since my dad is in the army, I have an idea of how it's done. - Allan said.

- Well, tell me what you know about the process, there's no point in me explaining something you already know. - Jonathan said.

- Okay. Um... From what my dad told me, the joining process is to unite your soul with your physical body. There are two ways to do this. The first is for someone who has already achieved fusion to wrap their energy around your body and press it onto you. Over time, your soul would start to defend your physical body through integration. If we use this option, it will be necessary to exercise your body while forcing the soul's energy to continue with the union in the future. - After explaining the first step of the process, Allan paused to think about the second step and how much he sounded like his father while saying this. After organizing his words, he continued, - The second process is a bit dangerous. The method to proceed after the union is the same. But you don't receive moderate help, instead, you use attacks from many people who are nearby or who are undergoing this process. As the people in the union have no control, they may end up harming the individual. - Allan said.

- That's basically what I know, well, it's what my father told me... He also said that you're only allowed to go through this process at school. - Allan said.

Well, those are normal pieces of information. But even though they are normal, they are correct. - Said Jonathan. Then he repositioned himself at the table placing both arms on the table for support and continued - But, despite being correct, they are incomplete. These two methods are the same, but there is a third method in the joining, no, it would be better to say that there is another stage in the process.

- Another step? Serious? So why don't they teach this at school? – Allan asked.

- Allan, you're aware that our family name Lux is derived from the natural power of thunder, right? – Jonathan inquired.

- Yes. - Allan replied. He was a little confused, it was fair to say he didn't know what that had to do with the other stage of joining. But he was sure there was a connection, so he decided to wait for Jonathan to finish his reasoning completely.

- Think with me, Allan, if the element that a soul adapts to was purely related to its lineage, just like physical characteristics. Why aren't all families like Lux? - Jonathan asked with a smile on his face.

Allan was stunned for a moment and didn't know how to respond. Despite the question being simple, he had no idea of the answer. In fact, he had never thought about it before. Logically, families like Lux and Clypeus shouldn't exist. But they did.

- I'm not sure, if it's not about blood. Would it have to do with the secret? - Allan asked.

- Yes. This secret explains the reason for the elemental and magical continuity of families with surnames. - Jonathan replied.

- My father called it "inheritance," but I don't think it's a good name. An inheritance doesn't require agreement to receive it. But never mind that part, let's focus on the important thing. - Jonathan said with the same sarcastic smile on his face.

- The process of union is carried out as you said. We don't know of any other way to do it, if there is another way. - After stating this, Jonathan's smile faded, and he sat up straight before continuing. - What changes is after the beginning of this process, we have 3 ways to join with the soul. The most common one is used by the majority, and it is the safest, just allow your soul to permeate your body while protecting you from intrusive spiritual energy. With this, your soul will be bound to an element or "concept" that makes up the world randomly. - Jonathan explained.

- But the other methods are special, and dangerous, of course. - Said Jonathan.