Sorcerer. - part4

- You only must do two, while I had to do five! I think that comparison is unfair. - As she said this, Samantha put on a sad expression as if she was being wronged, after which she continued. - Besides, you have a great advantage that I didn't have.

- What advantage? - Arthur was still angry, and ignored Samantha's false tears, but after she said he had an advantage he became curious, maybe he was special? Thinking back to the comics he'd read since he was little, he couldn't help but cheer up and ignore his anger almost instantly.

- You have me! Do you need any more advantages? - Samantha took off her false sad expression and showed a proud expression as she pointed this out to Arthur, she even put emphasis on her question, as if it was something obvious that Arthur should already know. Arthur, who had calmed down, was stunned for a few moments before his anger exploded again, he even forgot that he had already made a deal with Samantha and shouted. - Go away, what advantage do I have with a teacher who wants to kill me?! I don't want to learn from you anymore!

Samantha couldn't hold back her smile now and took advantage of Arthur's loss of patience to play with him some more. - So, little Arthur, do you really want me to leave? If you want me to, fine, but if I don't protect you, I think Zeus will come back. - She said with a provocative smile on her face.

- Your proposal is crazy! That asshole is crazy! I just wanted a good teacher, why did you have to leave it like that?

- Things happened this way, what's the point of knowing why? - Samantha questioned, while teasing Arthur with a sarcastic smile.

- Wa... What's the point? - Arthur was stunned by Samantha's question and logic, but as soon as he came to his senses he shouted angrily. - What do you mean, what's the point? I at least want to know why you're making things so difficult for me!!! - Arthur was angry and frustrated. He deeply regretted listening to the two of them talk in the library.

- I'm not making things difficult, I'm helping you. - Samantha replied with an expression of being wronged.

- How does that help? - Arthur's expression was a mess at the moment, his eyebrows were furrowed as he stared at Samantha, and as his eyes, which were crimson just like Samantha's after receiving the gift, were slightly closed, his expression should have been solemn and a little frightening at the moment, or at least that's what the boy thought, but due to his height and his childish face, this sight became quite comical.

- Pfft... Ahaha! You're adorable Arthur, my little brother is really adorable. - Samantha forced herself to say this while trying to contain her laughter. Arthur, seeing Samantha's laughter, became extremely irritated, but seeing that the more he shouted, the less he was taken seriously, he forced himself to calm down a little, but he didn't manage to soften his expression much.

After forcing himself to calm down for a while, he managed to control his expression, and after thinking about Samantha's words, he looked into her eyes when he asked. - My sister? - The doubt was obvious in his expression.

- Have you forgotten that you have an older sister? - Samantha said this with a serious look on her face as she stared at Arthur, seeing the look on his face Arthur couldn't help but wonder for a moment if he really had an older sister, of course this stupid idea disappeared in just an instant before he remembered something Samantha said before passing the mark and asked. - Is that because of the mark?

- Yes, after your soul was touched by mine and you received a part of me, we became a family my LITTLE BROTHER. - Samantha answered Arthur playfully while emphasizing her last word.

Arthur, hearing this, kept quiet, he had only come to find a teacher today, but ended up with an older sister, stopping to think about everything he had had to go through Arthur didn't know what else to think, he just looked helplessly at Samantha and asked. - If I'm your little brother... Why are you trying to kill me? - Arthur asked this with a perplexed expression on his face, especially when he said that he was Samantha's little brother.

- I've already told you that I'm helping you... Arthur, a year may seem like a short time, but I'm the one who's teaching you, it'll be more than enough, and society has probably made considerable advances in the study of nature in recent years, so you'll be much quicker than I was at understanding the rules and setting up your spells. - Samantha answered seriously this time, although she was happy that Arthur had accepted being her little brother so easily, she couldn't help thinking 'it must be his age, after all, he's still a little boy'.

Arthur stared at Samantha's serious but gentle gaze and eventually calmed down; he was silent for a few moments as if he was considering something, and after he had finished considering, looking right into Samantha's eyes, he asked. - Can I really do this?

- You have to do it! I'll make you succeed, well... You're going to suffer this year, and you're going to have to work hard. - Samantha said this with a resolute look on her face as she stared at Arthur, she was one of the few people who knew that not just the little boy, but all the students of those responsible for the seal really didn't have the right to fail.

- ... - Arthur remained silent for a long time as he stared at Samantha and seeing that this time there wasn't a hint of a smile, he remained silent, he didn't know what to say so he just stood there staring at Samantha for several seconds, and after all this time he just nodded as if he agreed.

Seeing that Arthur seemed to accept the situation, a gentle smile similar to the one a mother would give her child appeared on her face as she got up from her throne and walked over to the little boy; when she arrived right in front of Arthur, she ruffled his hair while looking lovingly at the little boy, after a while she said. - Don't worry too much Arthur, every night we'll study in this space, and I'll help you all day by giving you advice if necessary.

- Can you do this? - Arthur asked a little surprised.

- Of course, you'll soon see that there are a few things your sister can't do. - Samantha said this with a triumphant air.

- So... Are we going to start the lesson now? - Arthur was a little worried about the weather and couldn't help looking forward to the start of classes.

- No. - Samantha replied as she nodded with her eyes closed, and after nodding a few times she opened her eyes again and continued. - Now I'm just going to suggest what your first spell should be.

- First spell? - Arthur was startled, but then remembered that Samantha had said that she had already left him three spells. Stopping to imagine how strong this spell was, he felt excited and even forgot the discussion from before; Arthur's expression became identical to that of a child who had just received the toy he wanted as a present as he asked. - Which spelling are you going to teach me? Will it be the one with the colored fire? - Arthur looked at Samantha's colored flames and couldn't help a gleam appearing in his eyes.

- No, that fire spell isn't part of your first mark, Arthur. - Samantha, who was amused by Arthur's expressions, replied.

- So, which spell am I going to learn?

- None, you've already taught them Arthur, if you close your eyes and force the activation of the mark here it should be easy to see the spells, I've given you.

Arthur was a little surprised that it was so easy, but he was also happy with this news, in the end, he already had the job of creating two spells, so if learning these spells took up too much time it wouldn't be good for him. Arthur calmed his euphoria and closed his eyes and tried to understand his spells; time passed and after a few seconds it was possible to see Arthur's ears slightly red with embarrassment as he slowly opened his eyes and with a slightly embarrassed expression he asked. - Samantha, how do I activate the mark?

After hearing the question, Samantha realized that she had been so distracted by the discussion and by provoking Arthur that she had completely forgotten to explain it. - Well, to activate the mark you just need to use your soul's energy on the mark, try directing some of the fire in that space over your eyes while they're closed. - Said Samantha while completely ignoring the fact that she hadn't explained it to him before.

"This is already the second chapter where the last paragraph has disappeared when viewed on cell phones. To avoid this, I've decided to duplicate this message at the end of each chapter, hoping it will resolve the issue. If you're reading this, I apologize if it's intrusive, but it's a better solution than leaving the chapter incomplete."