First spell. - part 3

- Hello?... Julia?... Julia, what's up?... Julia? - A woman's voice kept calling on the phone, but there was no answer. At this point, Julia didn't even hear the woman calling her, she was already at the window while the cell phone fell under the bed; after arriving in front of the window she opened it forcefully and looked in the direction the helicopter had gone, there were a few clouds in a vast blue sky, and In the sky, outside the clouds, there was a dark spot just below the helicopter's previous height.. This dot continued to descend, with its speed appearing to increase with each passing moment.

-Arthur? – Julia looked at that spot in a daze, but after being stunned for a few seconds, she recovered herself after shaking her head a few times.

Julia wasn't sure if that dot in the distance was Arthur or not, and if it was him, she had no idea how he had appeared there, but she knew it didn't matter; after going to reception she called to Clare for confirm whether she should continue acting as if she knew nothing, and Clare's answer was clear, she was only transferred to look after the boy until he was discharged, nothing more, and thinking about Clare's temperament she had no reason to ignore that distant falling dot unless she wanted to work for free for the next few months.

Julia leaned on the bottom rail of the window with her right hand and her whole body jumped over the window, after passing through the window she closed her eyes as she was in free fall, only after a few seconds had passed, when she had already passed several floors and was approaching the ground did she finally open her eyes again, her previously brown eyes turned a faint green at this point, and around her the wind began to stir, then her fall stopped instantly and she began to head towards where he was falling, her speed steadily increasing, and after a few seconds she was faster than the vehicles on the ground.

Despite her constant acceleration, she realized that she wouldn't be able to catch up with Arthur before he fell, but even so she continued, only accelerating more and more. When that black dot became distinguishable, she could see Arthur's face which was filled with terror at the moment, he was only a few floors off the ground.

When Arthur was approaching the ground, he also saw the woman who was approaching him, due to his panic at the moment he didn't recognize her, but even without recognizing her he was delighted as he saw someone approaching, and with red eyes he shouted. - Help! - After shouting, he saw that the figure was approaching faster and faster, which gave him a sense of security for a moment. Unfortunately, this feeling only lasted a moment, as the moment he looked down and realized that he was going to hit the ground in a few seconds, he was overcome by fear again. In desperation, he tried to seek emotional support and thanks to this, he turned his eyes to the figure that was approaching in desperation. - Help me... Please... Please help me! - As soon as he shouted for help again, the people on the ground looked up and saw a boy falling to the ground at high speed, and a woman a little way away with her right hand stretched out towards the boy. The people on the ground were stunned for a moment, but soon came to their senses when they felt a breeze blow past them; Julia began to direct her powers to try to help Arthur slow down his fall and thanks to this the breeze advanced until it reached him, and just as the breeze reached him she stopped advancing, the light breeze started swirling and drawing in the surrounding air, leading to a rise in pressure in the area due to the air accumulation. She intentionally raised the air pressure beneath Arthur while lowering the pressure in his limbs, attempting to mimic Bernoulli's Principle in a rough manner, which unfortunately didn't work since instead of "gliding" through the air he was just falling, and after several seconds of falling this action made even less practical sense and all she could do in desperation was generate a counter current of air trying to create some resistance, However, as she needed to hold on to avoid hurting the boy too much, he still ended up falling hard to the ground. Despite the strong pain he felt, he managed to get up, indicating that the fall didn't hurt him as much as it may appear.

The people around were relieved, but when they looked closely at the boy and the ground they were surprised; on the ground a crater of a few centimeters appeared, and it didn't seem to be due to the impact alone, the asphalt seemed to have been melted, in addition there was a slight ripple of air around the boy's body, this ripple was similar to what people could see in a fire, this ripple only lasted a few seconds, and when the boy was stabilized on the ground the ripple slowly disappeared, and it disappeared completely when Julia approached him.

Julia ran as fast as she could here and made the best possible use of the strength of her spirit to save Arthur, but even so she was almost certain that he would die, or at least be seriously injured, however, upon arriving, the scene reflected in front of her left her without a reaction. She just looked at Arthur expressionless and confused, and after almost a minute passed, the noise of people around talking brought her back from her reverie. Upon recovering from the shock, she ran up to Arthur, knelt down, and asked. - Arthur... Are you all right? Do you feel pain anywhere? - After asking, she rested her hand gently on the boy's shoulder.

Arthur was stunned at the moment, even the chatter of the people around him didn't bring him back to his senses, this confusion lasted until Julia put her hand on his shoulder, as soon as he felt the hand on his shoulder, he quickly turned his head and faced the hand that had landed on his shoulder, he stared at it for a few seconds before slowly raising his head towards the face of the person who had put their hand on his shoulder. When his eyes met Julia's, Arthur's eyes filled with tears, and he asked in a tearful voice. - Julia?

- Are you all right? Do you feel pain anywhere? - Julia asked again as soon as Arthur called her name, the concern in her voice was obvious, and her nervousness was such that she didn't even realize Arthur was asking if it was her, rather than calling her name.

When Arthur heard Julia's worried tone his eyes filled with tears and his trembling hands quickly flew up and hugged Julia, Arthur hugged her the way a child would hug their mom when they were frightened; after Arthur hugged her Julia could hear Arthur crying. - Eeek! ic! Julia, I want to go back to the hospital... Sob! Please... Eeek! ic! - Amid the sounds of crying and sobbing, Arthur, whose body was shaking, hugged her tighter and tighter in search of a feeling of security and comfort.

Seeing this, Julia couldn't help but feel sorry for the boy, and almost instantly she returned the hug and put her hand on Arthur's back to comfort him, Arthur's body gradually stopped shaking, and after he had stopped shaking, he heard Julia's gentle voice.

- Are you feeling better? Do you feel pain anywhere? - Julia asked as she continued to hug him and run her right hand over his back.

After listening to Julia's questions, Arthur loosened his embrace a little and replied. - It doesn't hurt. - Despite Arthur's short answer, it was still possible to see that the little boy was trying to hold back his tears. Hearing this tone, Julia decided to continue hugging Arthur, and while she was hugging him, she looked at the crowd and spoke. - Could someone call the police? For now, my two hands are full. - Julia forced a smile as she squeezed these words out to the crowd.

- I've already called, I've called the ambulance too. - Answered a teenager in the crowd, who appeared to be between 15 and 18 years old.

Looking at the young man who had called the authorities, Julia had a genuine smile on her face as she said. - Thank you.

Julia sat waiting while looking at the boy clinging to her neck. After a few minutes of waiting, Julia heard the ambulance siren and, still massaging Arthur's back, she said to him. - Arthur, can you stand up?

- ...

Not getting an answer, Julia stopped massaging him and pushed him slightly, but at this point Arthur squeezed harder around Julia's neck, which made her stop pushing him away.

"This is already the second chapter where the last paragraph has disappeared when viewed on cell phones. To avoid this, I've decided to duplicate this message at the end of each chapter, hoping it will resolve the issue. If you're reading this, I apologize if it's intrusive, but it's a better solution than leaving the chapter incomplete."