
Arthur ended up falling asleep while crying and hugging Katarina, when Katarina realized that he had fallen asleep she asked Julia to put him on the stretcher so that he could sleep on the way, and then after Julia put Arthur on the stretcher Katarina said. - I'm going to ask André why we're still here. - She then got up and left the ambulance, leaving only Julia and Arthur inside.

After a while, Julia considered calling Clare to explain what had happened. However, after searching her pockets a few times, she felt disappointed. She couldn't find her cell phone and suspected she had lost it while rushing to save Arthur earlier. Julia sighed, glancing at the boy on the stretcher. As she observed him, she could sense the worry on his face. She pondered how to assist him but eventually abandoned the idea, realizing her limitations. Perhaps it would be best to let Jane take care of him if Clare deemed any treatment necessary. Being an army psychologist, Jane likely had a better understanding of how to aid Arthur.

While Julia was lost in thought Katarina went back to talk to the first aider who had taken the call, and the man called André agreed to her demands before closing the back of the ambulance and heading for the driver's seat, when the ambulance was starting Katarina said to Julia while looking at Arthur. - André hadn't gotten an answer yet, a transfer is a delicate thing... So... Well, I called my mother. - Katarina stopped looking at Arthur at this point and looked at Julia.

- What did Mrs. Clypeus say? - Julia asked with some anticipation.

- When I explained to her what had happened, she put me on hold and called my aunt, and then... Well, my aunt told you to go and talk to her now and then you can go straight back to her house. - Katarina said with a look of pity.

Julia noticed Katarina's gaze, but simply ignored it and spoke. - Fine, but... What about Arthur?

- He's going back to his aunt's, she asked me to look after him today and my mother agreed, so I'm taking him there, you don't have to worry, I can look after a little boy for a few hours. - Katarina put on a confident smile as she said this.

- You'd better watch out for him. - Julia stared at him and her expression became a little strange, doubt was transparent on her face, and after staring at him for a few moments she asked Katarina without looking away from Arthur. - You know that Arthur fell from the sky now, right?

- Of course, I only came on this ambulance trip for that very reason, they asked me to check what happened, but after finding out that he's my cousin I just decided not to check anything... - Katarina stopped abruptly and looked at Julia, now considering Arthur's identity she was a little worried about her state of shock and ignored the reason for the fall before, but looking at the situation only Julia could have dropped Arthur from the sky, and thinking this way she became a little disturbed and her expression became serious and cold again, as she looked at Julia she didn't try to hide her suspicion and even her eyes changed from blue to a dark yellow, as she stared at Julia with her yellow eyes she asked in a calm tone. - Can you enlighten me? I really can't even imagine how he fell, and now I'm a bit curious...

- I can't explain it either. - Julia replied in a calm tone while shaking her head in an obvious sign of denial.

- You can't explain it? - After Katarina spoke, Julia felt as if her whole body was being squeezed and she couldn't move, her breathing stalled momentarily due to the abrupt change and even when she caught her breath, her breathing was still out of rhythm and she had to strain to achieve such a pitiful result, however, there was no despair or anger on her face, she was still calm even though her face showed that she was feeling pain at the moment.

- N... No, I don't know... H... How he appeared in the sky. - Julia struggled to say just those words and waited for Katarina to allow her to explain the rest.

- I don't believe you..., But you're part of the Leken army, and my aunt has already asked to see you anyway. - Katarina stopped talking and the pressure around Julia eased, but she still couldn't move; after a few seconds of silence, she heard Katarina's voice again. - As a Major, I can have you arrested as a suspect, in fact I think I should do that..., But my aunt wants to talk to you, and the little boy seems to like you too, so I'll give you a chance, just one chance... What happened here? How did he fall?

Julia, who had already heard about Katarina's temper, was surprised to realize that Clare hadn't exaggerated at all; looking at herself she realized that she wasn't hurt, but she still couldn't move and could only laugh at her own situation, so without being able to look Katarina straight in the eye because she couldn't move, she said. - We were talking in the hospital room, and a helicopter flew past heading northwest, so we looked at it and then I looked away, but... Arthur, he just... It just disappeared out of nowhere, and when I saw it there was just a black dot falling where the helicopter had passed. - Julia said this and listened to how unreal it sounded, but also deduced that it must be related to the mark in Arthur's eyes.

- he disappeared? - Katarina was stunned when she heard this and couldn't help but stare at the little boy who was unconscious. Katarina dismissed the possibility that it was a lie, there were cameras at the hospital and drones flying over the city, if Julia was lying her aunt would know as soon as she got there, besides, if she was going to make up a story, a captain should be able to think of something better than this nonsense.

- Is that why I have to be careful with him? - Katarina asked as she looked at Arthur with her yellow eyes.

- Yes... I don't know what the blue mark in his eye means, but after it appeared he became energetic, and after a while that happened. - Julia, who had regained her mobility, looked at Arthur as she spoke.

- Okay, I'll be careful. - Katarina held Arthur's right hand after saying this, but she didn't look away from Julia. - My aunt will wait for you at the hospital you were at, André will drop you off there before taking me to her house.

- "Okay," Julia replied as she settled into the ambulance seat. After settling down, she couldn't help but look at Katarina a little reluctantly, after all, she knew how strong she was, yet she was sure that Katarina could easily kill her; she couldn't help but ask. - Did you also make a contract with a god?

- "No." Katarina replied with a calm look, but a slight smile appeared on her face after Julia asked her that question.

- "No?" Julia was surprised by the answer, even more so remembering the pressure she felt from all sides, but before she could ask, she heard Katarina's voice.

- I'm like that little boy... Well, almost like him. - Katarina turned her face away after saying this, and a gentle smile appeared on her expression as she said it.

- Like him? - Julia was speechless, she didn't understand what these words meant.

- My aunt will explain it to you later, well... She'll probably explain it to you. - Katarina saw the obvious doubt in her expression, and ended up throwing the explanation to her aunt, after all, this was very boring to explain, and it wasn't that simple, it was always better to leave the difficult work to others.

- The divisional general? - Julia asked with a little disbelief, she had known Clare for years, since when she was just a one captain she didn't talk much, and now she even uses her position to avoid complicated explanations, however, even if she had doubts that her captain would really explain something to her, it was obvious from Katarina's expression that there was no point in trying to ask her anything now, so she just continued making small talk without getting into any relevant topics until they reached the hospital.

After almost half an hour had passed, André's voice sounded from the cabin. - We're here.

Julia stood up and looked at Katarina and then at Arthur and said while looking at Arthur. - I told you before, but... Watch out for him. - Julia said with obvious concern in her expression.

- Of course, don't worry. - Seeing Julia's expression, her attitude softened a little, and she smiled at Julia as she said this; Julia saw her expression and then sighed and reluctantly got off the ambulance.

After Julia got out of the ambulance, the smile on Katarina's face slowly faded, and then she faced Arthur's face and the previously smiling expression gradually became serious, and even a look of concern appeared.

"This is already the second chapter where the last paragraph has disappeared when viewed on cell phones. To avoid this, I've decided to duplicate this message at the end of each chapter, hoping it will resolve the issue. If you're reading this, I apologize if it's intrusive, but it's a better solution than leaving the chapter incomplete."