Two hours.

The moment Arthur set foot outside Samantha's space a group of chimpanzees with colored flames stared at him, Arthur looked at the thirty apes staring at him, froze in his tracks and looked back, and when he turned around there was no longer any road for him to go back, he couldn't even see the air fluttering around him, space seemed to have simply disappeared, all that was behind him for several meters were three chimpanzees with hair formed by a crimson flame, and the rest of their bodies as orange as iron in the forge.

The three chimps circled Arthur and looked menacingly at the chimps on the other side, seeing this Arthur remembered what Samantha had said, here he had allies too, and looking at the three he reassured himself since at the moment they seemed trustworthy; Arthur entrusted the front to his "guards" and with caution he stepped back, but instead of following Arthur, the three chimps who were supposed to escort him made a lunge towards the thirty monkeys.

- B-but what the fuck! - Arthur was stunned, but decided to turn and run, he didn't understand why they were attacking in a losing fight, but that didn't matter to him, he knew he should take the opportunity to run, He was certain that once those three were taken down, he would be next. Despite being in a rush, he chose to glance back to assess the situation. When he did, his eyes widened; less than a meter away from him there was a chimpanzee running towards him, its face looked extremely angry and the colored flames on its right hand began to ripple, and above Arthur's incredulous gaze a fireball thirty centimeters in circumference formed, the air around this sphere of flames rippled furiously giving Arthur goose bumps, while Arthur was horrified by the appearance of the flames in the chimpanzee's hands, the other had a sinister smile that couldn't be made by a real animal as it ran towards Arthur, when it was only a few centimeters away from reaching Arthur it stopped and threw the fireball.

Arthur saw this and his heart raced in the same way as when he was falling from a height of several stories earlier, time seemed to slow down and Arthur began to hyperventilate and sweat, and without him realizing it the stick he had been holding while running began to react to his panic, so the more his heart raced the more the stick in his hand heated up, this all happened so fast that Arthur didn't even notice, but even without realizing it he raised the stick to meet the fireball almost by instinct - Bruum! - An explosion occurred and threw Arthur several meters into the air.

Arthur felt his whole body aching after the impact and only after a few moments did he slowly open his eyes and realize that he was falling, looking down he saw his three allies lying on the ground without making a single movement as if they were dead, this frustrated him a pig, but after taking a look at the whole scene he couldn't help but sigh with his eyebrows furrowed. Looking down, he could see all the chimpanzees with flaming balls in their hands staring at him with malicious smiles, and other animals were running towards this place, probably because of the explosion.

Arthur looked at the monkey that had also been thrown away in the explosion and was surprised, the monkey's right arm was hanging like the sleeve of a shirt in which the arm had not been inserted, and its arm was no longer made up of several different colors, it looked more like a block of charcoal if you only considered the residual coloring. Arthur was pleasantly surprised, because looking at himself he couldn't see any wounds, he then looked at the stick in his right hand and the idea of fighting back instead of running away popped into his mind, he then stared at all the chimps below, and when he stared at them for just a few moments his expression changed from a slightly excited expression to a terrified one and the excitement of not having been hurt, and the idea of fighting back disappeared as quickly as it had appeared; As he stared at the twenty-nine spheres of flame coming towards him and making the wind ripple, he could only swallow and think how ridiculous his idea had been.

The spheres of flame were getting closer and closer while Arthur's falling speed was also increasing, both were rapidly approaching each other and Arthur's heart was racing constantly, Arthur in a panic put his hopes in teleportation, after all, he had no way of moving in the air, even if the trajectory of these fireballs is simple, For a target down in a linear line that meets them, they have a perfect hit rate.

Arthur opened his eyes wide and looked around, observing the scenery as he approached the various spheres of flames he became restless and couldn't think calmly, so without looking carefully he chose a place that was several meters away from the monkeys, choosing the spot Arthur focused his gaze, and the blue triquetra formed by flames glowed, The glow of his mark further heightened the contrast between his crimson eyes, and after the mark in his eyes glowed Arthur's figure simply disappeared, and the hail of attacks directed at him simply continued to move forward until they lost altitude and flew towards a pack of wolves hitting them with a huge explosion that injured all the wolves that were approaching.

Arthur saw his vision change instantly, in front of him there was now just a vast space, and it was possible to see several animals, however, as the distance was considerable, he could only see a huddle of colored shadows at the moment. Arthur almost fell over after realizing he had escaped, his legs were a little shaky, but he just shook his head before managing to partially pull himself together, after steadying himself he heard a loud noise and felt the ground beneath his feet shake, the sound was coming from his back and out of curiosity he turned around.

When he turned around, he could see a mushroom-shaped cloud in the distance, in the direction the flames were going before he teleported away. Arthur stood still, staring at the rising smoke, and feeling the wind against his face, Just the thought of being hit by it terrified him, but before he could even snap out of his daze, he heard the grunts of chimpanzees again running towards him. Arthur took only a second to look at them, and his expression filled with anger as he ran in the opposite direction.

- Don't you guys get tired?! Fuck you! Leave me alone! - Arthur shouted with his eyes closed as he ran with all his strength, he closed his eyes tightly and ran forward even after he had finished shouting, similar to the habit some people have when exercising, but he soon had to open his eyes.

Arthur, who was running forward with all his might, felt the ground shaking again, and a shrill sound that reminded him of the melody he himself had produced with a wind instrument when he was younger, as he blew on it without knowing how to play it properly. After this sound, noises like footsteps came galloping towards him, and realizing this, Arthur opened his eyes to check. When Arthur opened his eyes he saw an immense elephant running towards him, the elephant was huge even for its species, it was similar in size to a house, its body was made up of colored flames just like the monkeys chasing Arthur, and only its tusks, eyes and trunk were not colored, its tusks were made up of completely white flames, and its trunk was just crimson with some orange marks reminiscent of cast iron embedded in it; the color of the tusks and trunks were in sharp contrast to the colorful flames that made up the elephant's body, but it wasn't them that caught Arthur's eye, what caught his attention were the eyes, the elephant's eyes were completely black, it was so striking that it looked as if that part of the world had been burnt to nothing, and the place where its eyes were prohibited existence itself, this made the anger Arthur was feeling at being cornered give way to fear again.

Arthur managed to force his gaze away from the elephant's eyes, he looked around desperately and found no safe place, no matter where he turned his head all he could see was a swarm of animals rushing towards him, there was no blank space and all he could do now was choose risky places to flee to, he was afraid to use teleportation, but, remembering the elephant's eyes and the suffocating sensation they gave him, he decided to take a chance, and looking at a group of smaller animals, which resembled a cat between double and triple the size of the cats he remembered, seeing only three of them, he decided to take a chance.

- Right... Don't let me down now! - Arthur, while staring at that spot, changed his trajectory slightly to make it easier to see the place, he chose to teleport a few meters away from the animals, and fixed his sight on that spot while activating the mark, as soon as the light in his eyes increased, he disappeared from the spot as before.

- I did it! - Arthur shouted as he ran to the right after appearing in front of the group with three Lynxes.

As Arthur ran along one of the possible paths from the Lynx's position, several animals also changed position as they galloped towards him, but this time he didn't despair and began to look for a place with some space, even if it was minimal, for him to teleport to, and after several seconds of running for his life he actually saw a place with several dozen meters to spare, it was right behind a pack of wolves that was running towards him. Looking at that space and seeing that there were several paths he could use to run after arriving there he decided to teleport there this time, and so he activated his mark again, but before he teleported, he heard the elephant's grunt again, and after hearing that sound the blue light in his eyes intensified and again he disappeared from the place he was in.

- Is it serious? - Arthur, who had just recovered his senses after the change of space, was stunned by what he saw.

"This is already the second chapter where the last paragraph has disappeared when viewed on cell phones. To avoid this, I've decided to duplicate this message at the end of each chapter, hoping it will resolve the issue. If you're reading this, I apologize if it's intrusive, but it's a better solution than leaving the chapter incomplete."