Take A Walk (Part 1)

"Good morning, Baby."


The next day, Alexa was greeted by busy sounds in the kitchen with Dominic sitting with a cup of coffee and a newspaper with him. The man smiled when he saw that Alexa had woken up. He helped Alexa sit next to him as if Alexa was a critically ill patient who couldn't even sit by herself.

Busy sounds came from the kitchen behind them. Rika was cooking in the kitchen. Her mind was so focused that she didn't even realize someone had just joined them.

"Dom, why do you only employ Rika in a place this big? You know, with me being fine, I think employing a few more people isn't a big problem," Alexa suggested. Her forehead furrowed when Dominic looked at her with a bright gaze. This gaze was much brighter than his happy gaze last night.

And actually, that's pretty weird for Alexa.

"Um... Do you mind if I call you Dom?" Alexa asked doubtfully. Realizing his mistake, Dominic immediately shook his head. He smiled while happily looking at Alexa.

"No, of course not, Lexa. It's just... it feels like it's been a long time since you called me that. I'm just too happy to hear you call me that," Dominic explained. Alexa finally nodded in understanding before turning to Rika, who looked a little troubled in the kitchen.



"Rika isn't a real maid, right? Her job looks too stiff to be a maid for someone like you. Plus, the muscles on her body aren't the kind of muscles that develop from normal housework."

The fingers that were previously turning over the newspaper immediately stopped when Dominic heard the words that Alexa said without much thought. Dominic smiled. The man raised his body to look at Alexa proudly, for some reason.

"Yes. She's actually a bodyguard whose job is to look after you. As I said, you didn't really like having lots of people beside you before, so she was the only one who could look after you during that time. You've known her for a long time, Baby," answered Dominic. Alexa looked thoughtful before nodding slowly. She didn't think Dominic was lying until now.

Their conversation was interrupted when the noise in the kitchen could no longer be heard. Not long after, Rika came out of the kitchen carrying a tray of food.

Seeing that Alexa had woken up by herself, Rika looked a little surprised. She turned to put the milk and sandwiches she brought on the table in front of Alexa.

"I'm sorry I didn't realize that you were awake, Madam. I hope you don't mind eating another sandwich for breakfast," said Rika regretfully. Alexa just nodded. "It's okay. Then, thanks for the food," she replied as she started to reach out her hand to take a glass of milk. While sipping her drink, Alexa glanced at Dominic, who was now seriously looking at his cell phone. The handsome man's forehead was furrowed clearly. his gentle and loving face just disappeared when he was staring at his cell phone screen, which, for some reason, made him a little disturbed.

"Bian, prepare the car and pick me up at the mansion, right now."

After holding his cell phone to his ear, Dominic immediately gave firm orders to someone called Bian. The man deliberately moved away from Alexa to talk a little longer. Alexa just watched the man in silence, occasionally seeing the man lower his cell phone, just to make another call.

Only after several calls did Dominic finally return to Alexa. His face looked annoyed, but it immediately softened when he knew that Alexa was still watching him.

"Is there a problem with your work?" Alexa guessed. Dominic reluctantly nodded. "Bring my bag and coat, Rika," he ordered, which Rika immediately complied with. After that, Dominic looked at Alexa and then touched her cheek for a moment before pulling his hand back.

"Yes. Lately, my company has always been bothered by naughty rats, Baby. They hide in annoying places when I look for them. I might have to call a rat exterminator to get rid of them," explained Dominic.

Hearing Dominic's explanation made Alexa raise her eyebrows in confusion. Her husband was a tidiness and cleanliness maniac. How could the office where he worked be infested with rats?

Seeing Alexa's serious face, Dominic secretly wanted to laugh. Why is his wife so attractive when she's serious?

Yes, although sometimes his seriousness brings him problems.