Meet (Part 2)

After Alexa put away her cell phone, her attention returned to the waiter who had previously accompanied them, still waiting for her with a polite smile. The waiter handed her a menu book and Alexa was a little confused when she saw a menu list that felt foreign to her.

Okay. Alexa lost her memory. She couldn't remember whether she had ever been to a place like that or eaten the food on the menu.

"Um... Rika. Dom and I often went to this restaurant in the past, right?" Alexa asked. Rika nodded. The girl preferred to stand behind Alexa rather than sit with Dominic later.

"Yes, Madam. For a long time, this restaurant has been a place for you to spend time together. The owner of this restaurant knows Mr. Dominic well. Therefore, if you want, you can ask the waiters to prepare Mr. Dominic's favorite food," explained Rika. Alexa nodded. For now, letting those who knew Dominic better prepare their food seemed the most appropriate choice.

"Then, you can bring us Dominic's favorite menu for two people," said Alexa. The waiter nodded before quickly noting Alexa's intended order.

"Mr. Dominic's usual order for two people. Apart from that, is there anything else you want?" asked the waiter kindly. Alexa shook her head and then closed the menu before giving it to the waiter.

"For now, that's all. I'll call you again if I need anything," replied Alexa. The waiter nodded. He took the guest book as he closed the small notebook he was carrying.

"Then, please wait a moment. We will prepare the food as soon as possible," he said before bowing and leaving. Alexa sighed. She watched the view out the window before the sound of whispers nearby distracted her.

From the door, Dominic came with Jasper and Flora, who always following behind the man. Dominic's presence seemed so dominant there that Alexa could even see several young girls looking at her husband with admiring eyes.

Unfortunately, as soon as Dominic saw Alexa, the man's gaze was immediately locked only on her. Those lips gave off a gentle smile while his feet walked quickly to quickly arrive at Alexa's side.

"Sorry to keep you waiting, Baby."

Without caring that they were in a public place, Dominic gently kissed Alexa's forehead. The woman was made red by his treatment. Seeing other people's gazes at her husband and how he responded to it all, this attention made Alexa feel so special and loved.

"It's okay. I ordered earlier. Rika said that the people in this restaurant have memorized your favorite food," said Alexa. Dominic nodded. He sat opposite Alexa while his subordinates now sat at another table and ordered their food.

"Are you tired?" Alexa asked to start the conversation. She could see the tired look on Dominic's face. The man also came home like that last night, not to mention they even did 'that' thing afterward.

Seeing Alexa's worried face, Dominic smiled slightly.

"I'm fine. Having lunch with you made me feel energetic again," he said in reply. Alexa laughed softly at that answer. She rubbed the back of Dominic's hand while looking at the man.

"Take a break if you're tired. You won't go bankrupt by taking one day off right?" Alexa suggested. Dominic stared at her for a long time. He didn't immediately answer Alexa this time.

"I'm not going to go bankrupt indeed. But there is a problem that I have to solve as quickly as possible now. The problem will only get bigger if I'm careless in solving it."

Hearing Dominic's explanation, Alexa knew that the problem had something to do with the underworld work he was involved in. Alexa can't be of much help with that problem. In fact, Alexa can't do anything at the moment.

"Hey... If I can help you in any way, let me know, okay? I want to help you, Dom. I don't want to stay home forever and watch you struggle alone."

Whether it was just Alexa's feelings or not, Dominic's body seemed to stiffen when she finished speaking. The man's smile seemed forced, as he cupped Alexa's hand with both hands.

"Just by being by my side, you've helped me a lot, Baby. You don't have to do anything. Just... stay by my side, okay?" Dominic said. Seeing that worried face, Alexa slowly nodded. After that, Alexa decided to stand up and break the atmosphere she had created.

"Dom, I want to go to the toilet for a moment. I'll be right back."

"Then at least let Rika come along-"

"I'm fine. The toilet is over there, right? I'll be quick. You don't need to worry," Alexa interrupted quickly. Dominic's face looked unsure before he reluctantly let go of Alexa's hand.

"You... aren't going anywhere, are you?" he said worriedly. Alexa shook her head, her lips showing a soft smile when she knew that Dominic was probably just afraid of losing her.

"I'm just going to go to the toilet for a moment, Dom. Don't worry, Honey. I'm not going anywhere. I'm yours, remember?"

Dominic's worried face was quickly replaced with a happy one when he heard Alexa call him 'Honey' and declare her him for the first time. Dominic smiled. He nodded confidently this time before Alexa stepped into the toilet.

Arriving at the toilet, Alexa sighed tiredly. Okay, she takes notes to not make Dominic worry again like before. The man seemed very afraid of losing her, which was not strange for Dominic to do after she was revealed to be cheating.

For now, all Alexa can do is comfort Dominic as much as she can. Maybe while trying to remember something. However, Alexa is still curious about her past, which she can't remember at all, no matter how much she tries.


An unfamiliar voice made Alexa turn her head in confusion. A dashing foreign woman stared at her in disbelief, before she approached and shook Alexa's shoulder firmly.

"Oh my! You're Ava, right? Oh my God, you're still alive! You're still alive in front of me!" the woman shouted happily. Realizing that she didn't feel the slightest familiarity with the foreign woman, Alexa suddenly pushed the woman's hand away. The woman looked surprised, before looking at Alexa with a sad expression.

"W-what's wrong, Ava? Are you-"

"I'm not Ava, and I certainly don't know you," Alexa coldly interrupted.