
"Is something bothering you?"

Alexa turned back to Dominic when her husband rebuked her with a worried face. Alexa shook her head slowly. Her hands, which had previously remained silent, moved again to cut the food in front of her.

"Nothing, I'm fine, Dom. By the way, the food here tastes delicious. I like it."

Dominic knew Alexa brought up the topic just to avoid his question. There's something strange about Alexa. The woman's forehead kept furrowing from time to time.

Secretly, Dominic's eyes stared intently at Rika, who was previously in charge of picking up Alexa in the bathroom. Noticing her boss' gaze, Rika quietly signaled that she would tell him everything when they got home.

When he realized that Alexa most likely had something on her mind and she wasn't willing to tell Dominic, the man immediately lost his appetite. His entire body stiffened as he tried to suppress the turbulent feeling that filled his chest.

"Baby, I'm really sorry. But, can I go back first? I still have a lot to do."

Alexa also stopped eating when Dominic wiped his mouth. Now Alexa feels bad. She invited Dominic to have lunch with her to cheer the guy up. However, because of the unexpected meeting beforehand, she acted coldly towards Dominic, who had taken the trouble to find time to come in the middle of his busy schedule.


Dominic smiled a little when Alexa's face looked very guilty towards him. Dominic gently kissed Alexa's forehead once before gently stroking her cheek.

"Let's talk at home, okay? Just continue eating. Rika will take you back later. I love you, Baby," said Dominic. He signaled Jasper and Flora to stop eating immediately. The two drank hastily before rushing closer to the boss.

"Then we'll go first, Madam," said Jasper on behalf of Flora. Alexa nodded weakly. Her eyes continued to follow Dominic, who entered the elevator together with his bodyguard.

Well, this time, Alexa ruined their lunchtime. The woman took a deep breath before preparing to leave too.

"Madam, don't you want to stay a little longer? You've only eaten a little," reminded Rika. Alexa shook her head slowly before taking another deep breath.

"Dominic also only ate a little of his food, and he must be more tired than me, who was just staying at home. Oh my gosh... I've ruined my plans for today."

Annoyed, Alexa pinched her nose. Rika just stayed behind her, observing without saying anything else to Alexa.

"Rika, you don't know that woman, do you?"

Rika's face turned cold when she heard Alexa's statement. Rika suspected that their meeting in the bathroom was more than just casually passing each other. A woman as noisy as Irina would say something to Alexa, even if the woman had been severely threatened by her.

"I don't know her further than a woman who likes to provoke you with her delusional words, Madam. However, if you want, I can find out information about that woman. It seems you are interested in her, right?"

Alexa was silent when Rika attacked her. From the first time Alexa got to know Rika, Alexa already knew that Rika was not as simple as she seemed. Every action seemed carefully calculated. Rika's face didn't change a bit as she cornered Alexa with her calm words.

However, when it comes to expression, Alexa is no less skilled than Rika in hiding her expression. Alexa looked at Rika calmly as if Rika's previous question did not affect her.

"Yes, because if she could potentially hurt my husband by using me, I have to know who she is and help my husband sort it out, right? I don't want to be the only person who doesn't know anything and ends up being useless for the rest of my life. I want to know who she is, Rika. If she is an enemy like you say. You know, we will never win a fight without knowing what kind of enemy we are fighting."

Rika smiled. Alexa's serious face that didn't shake in the slightest when she was cornered made Rika quite surprised. Initially, Rika thought Alexa would avoid or not answer her question. However, answering it honestly and without fear, Alexa is the same woman who once overwhelmed Rika when she fought against her.

"You're right. Then, I will look for as much information as you want about the woman. When everything is finished, I will bring you the report," said Rika. Alexa nodded before she got up from her seat.

"I will wait for news from you, Rika," she said before walking out with Rika obediently following behind her.


[Are you sure she didn't notice anything?]

From the tone of her voice, Rika was one hundred percent sure that the incident at the previous restaurant had managed to upset Dominic. Her tone after she heard Rika's explanation was completely cold and full of anger. Vaguely, Rika could hear the sound of someone screaming, a sign that her boss had just vented his anger on someone else.

"Her expression doesn't look like someone who is lying, Boss. You know I can always tell the face of someone who is lying, no matter how good they are at trying to hide it. Alexa seems to only think of that woman as someone who is trying to get close to her to hurt you. Although I still have to apologize because I failed to know whether the woman had said anything to Alexa or not."

Rika hated saying this. But she did neglect her duty for today. Rika didn't expect someone like Irina to be in their country, and even be in the same restaurant as them.

Irina's existence only meant that the others were also in the same country as them. Rika furrowed her eyebrows. Since the beginning, she hated the most when she had to deal with those crazy people.

"Alexa is as alert and smart as ever, Boss. She managed to corner me when I tried to get more information out of her."

The next information made Dominic growl in annoyance. He should have known from the start that Alexa was not a human being who could be easily fooled. Alexa is dominant, her true nature makes it very difficult for a woman to bow to other people.

[But you're sure Alexa didn't do anything after you guys came home, right?] Dominic asked to confirm.

"Of course, Boss. I've confirmed it myself. Currently, Alexa is sleeping in her room after taking a shower and watching TV for a while. I have tapped all the electronic devices in the house. We will find out soon if Alexa tries to dig into her past again while she lives at home. Please don't worry, Boss. Alexa is still in your hands even with that woman's interference," Rika answered, trying to calm Dominic down. Dominic fell silent, before making a quick decision on the other end of the phone.

[Kill her,] he ordered briefly. Rika looked surprised, before asking carefully.

"Didn't you promise Alexa before not to touch her no matter what, Boss? Did you-"

[Alexa now doesn't remember anything about it. Killing one woman would not affect her. That woman has interfered too much in my affairs. It seems like the parasite will disrupt my relationship with Alexa if it's not removed immediately,] Dominic interrupted coldly.

[Not to mention, things will get even more chaotic if their team finds out where Alexa is. We've come so far. I don't intend to back down after I made a promise to Alexa, Rika.]

Rika was silent for a moment, before taking a deep breath and answering Dominic's order.

"Then, I'll contact the cleaning team to look for her, Boss," Rika finally answered. The call was hung up not long after, leaving an annoyed click as Rika immediately dialed another number.

"The boss gave you the task of cleaning something up. I will send you the information immediately, try to do it quickly and make everything look like an accident," said Rika. Rika let out a tired breath when the call was hung up again. After finishing the call, Rika leaned back lazily in her chair.

"You're really driving Boss crazy, Alexa," Rika muttered before closing her eyes in annoyance.