A Drug


Alexa's eyes opened when she heard a voice nearby. Dominic's tired face greeted her when she just woke up. From the same suit Dominic wore when he went to work, Alexa was sure that her husband had just come home from work.

Alexa glanced at the clock on the small cupboard next to her bed. 2 am. This is the first time Dominic has been home so late since Alexa woke up and started making up with him.

"I woke you up again, didn't I?" Dominic whispered. His face no longer showed any signs of disappointment that he showed Alexa that afternoon. Dominic somehow seemed a little happy and calm that night.

Alexa responded to Dominic's words with a shake of her head. "It's okay. I intended to wait for you to come home beforehand. You know, I didn't mean to ruin our lunch earlier. I intended to entertain you at that time. But for some reason, I ended up annoying you," said Alexa regretfully. Dominic responded with a small smile. His hands reached out as the man hugged Alexa's body, which felt right in his arms.

"You didn't do anything wrong, Baby. I was just too sensitive before. You know, my work suddenly had a lot of problems, and I had to solve them all as quickly as I could. It was my fault for taking it out on you. I'm sorry, okay? I feel guilty for you." said Dominic sincerely. He no longer had a problem with Alexa not telling him about her meeting with Irina. After all, that woman was dead. Alexa was safe with him again now.

Alexa always felt hesitant when Dominic started to be gentle with her like the man was doing right now. After all, Dominic had more evidence of her memory than the woman named Irina. Dominic has proof of their marriage and knows all of Alexa's habits and preferences by heart. Dominic was able to make Alexa believe him, while Irina only said strange things, and the only proof she knew Alexa was the similarity of the small round scar on her body.

Even so, Alexa's heart kept screaming for her to believe the woman's words. Alexa is the type of woman who wants to know a lot of things, and she certainly can't just ignore the new facts she just got. Alexa will be in trouble if everything Irina says is the reality she has been looking for. She was married to someone else, and Dominic was just the man who stole her from her real husband.

With Dominic's power, Alexa did not doubt that the man could do it. Irina's words made Alexa a little regretful that she had believed in Dominic too early. All the doubts that were originally dispelled now reappear. Alexa was alert to her surroundings again.


Realizing that she had been daydreaming, Alexa immediately focused her attention back on Dominic. The man was now sitting in front of her, looking at her with a worried expression.

"You... don't want to forgive me, do you?" Dominic asked sadly. Alexa took a deep breath before shaking her head.

"It's not like that. You apologize to me too much, Dom. Have you ever realized your habit? You are my husband. You have to learn not to spoil me too much from now on," advised Alexa. Dominic smiled before dropping his head to lie on Alexa's thigh.

"It's okay. You're my queen. So, of course, I have to pamper you as much as I can," Dominic answered smoothly. Alexa was silent. Once again, she wondered why a man as handsome and rich as Dominic would admire a woman who was no one like her.

"Baby? You've been daydreaming a lot today," Dominic scolded Alexa. Her face gave off a slight cold feeling when Alexa didn't realize it. As Dominic expected, the woman must have said something to Alexa until his wife seemed to be thinking hard about something once again.

"Sorry. I'm just, you know, very sleepy today. You have to take a shower, Dom, and sleep immediately after. You could also fall ill if you're too tired," said Alexa evasively. She stopped talking when Dominic's face looked disappointed. For a while, Alexa seemed to have to harden her heart again until she found a clue in her memories.

Now Alexa can only hope that all her prejudices are wrong and Dominic is just a husband who loves her heartedly.


This morning was not a good start to the day for Alexa. She had to go back to sleep alone last night after Dominic took the initiative to leave her room as soon as he finished checking on Alexa. Next to Alexa's bed was just a cold place when Alexa's hand touched the surface earlier. Alexa took a deep breath. Her relationship with Dominic seemed to have returned to square one because of one woman's words.

Without energy, Alexa entered her bathroom and started preparing to have breakfast with Dominic, who usually waited for her at the dining table before the busy man went back to work. There was a knock on the door when Alexa finally finished combing her hair. Without needing to ask, Alexa already knows who knocks on her door diligently every single day.

"You can come in, Rika," said Alexa. The door opened without taking long, revealing Rika, who was looking at her with an expression that hadn't changed much since Alexa first woke up.

"It's time for breakfast, Madam. Mr. Dominic ordered you to finish your breakfast this time," said Rika calmly. Alexa was silent. She looked at Rika with a raised eyebrow after hearing the girl's words.

"Dominic already left?" Alexa asked in disbelief. It's still early in the morning, and Dominic has already gone back to work after coming home so late yesterday. Alexa bit her lip nervously. There was a strange feeling when she realized that Dominic was pushing himself so hard when he was angry with her. Alexa knew that Dominic left so as not to hurt her because Alexa had repeatedly seen Dominic's complex emotions and disappointed face when the man spoke to her yesterday.

It would be a lie if Alexa said she didn't have any feelings for Dominic. Being with him for months was enough to make her fall for his gentle treatment.

However, considering that there is a possibility that Dominic is the killer of her real husband, and they may not be married, Alexa can't let Dominic approach her as he pleases like before. She had to harden her heart, at least until she found some clue of her past.

"Madam? Is there something on your mind?" Rika asked when the girl saw Alexa lost in her thoughts. Alexa flinched when Rika asked her. She looked dazed as she looked at Rika again.

"No, it's nothing. I'm going to have breakfast now," she said as she just walked past Rika. Rika didn't say anything after that. She just stared at Alexa for a long time before leaving the room with Alexa.

In the dining room, there is a pancake with a glass of milk on the dining table. Rika, as usual, swiftly pulled Alexa's seat away before slowly pushing it back when Alexa was already sitting there.

"Please enjoy your food, Madam," said Rika as she stood behind Alexa. Alexa nodded before taking a small piece of pancake to put in her mouth.

Slowly, Alexa had eaten all the pancakes. Her body, which had just woken up, slowly became sleepy again. However, Alexa tried hard to remain conscious to finish the glass of milk that Rika had prepared.

One sip, two sips, the drowsiness was getting stronger every second. Alexa's grip on the glass finally weakened before the sound of the glass breaking echoed in the room, followed by Alexa's fall, which was immediately held by Rika.

"You guys, clean up this mess."

Rika's face did not change as she lifted Alexa alone and then ordered several servants who were standing guard nearby to immediately clean up the broken glass scattered on the floor. Rika walked calmly toward Alexa's room. She laid Alexa on her bed before neatly placing a blanket over the woman.

"You are really troublesome, Alexa," muttered Rika as she looked at Alexa's face, which looked so peaceful in her sleep. Rika snorted a little before walking out to turn on her cell phone.

Rika looked for a contact in her call list and pressed it straight away. When the second tone of the call was picked up, it was followed by the appearance of a magnetic voice from the recipient of the call.

[Are you done?] Dominic asked directly.

"Yes, I have given the medicine, Boss," answered Rika calmly. The girl could hear the sigh of relief when she answered so. Dominic was silent for a while until Rika checked the status of her call again because Dominic had been silent for too long on the other end.

[Make sure the medicine really works for her. If you feel the effects are starting to wear off, call your doctor to prescribe another medication. I'll come back tonight,] said Dominic again.

"Yes, Boss," Rika replied before the call was finally hung up. Rika glanced briefly at Alexa's room after that before deciding to walk away from that place.

No matter if it's in the past or present, Rika thought that Alexa really enjoyed bothering their very busy bosses.