
Alexa woke up when the night breeze on the beach touched her cold cheeks. Her eyes blinked slowly before she focused her gaze on her surroundings.

In the dim light of the afternoon, Alexa woke up on the large bed that was her and Dominic's room. Her cheeks flushed faintly when she remembered that the ending of Dominic accompanying her to change clothes had become a hot scene. She must have slept because she was tired, but Dominic was no longer sleeping with her when she woke up. His eyes searched Dominic around the room before her search stopped on the small balcony outside her room.

There, Dominic was standing looking at the sea with his cell phone to his ear. The man looked very serious when he spoke. His fingers occasionally tapped on the balcony divider, a sign that he was impatient about something.

Alexa suspected that their vacation did not allow Dominic to relax at all. Alexa had repeatedly caught her husband receiving calls with a frown while they were on this island. The woman took a deep breath. Alexa got up slowly and moved to take her nightrobe to wear casually.

With slow steps, Alexa walked towards the balcony. When she opened the glass door, Dominic had just finished his call. Dominic was surprised to see that Alexa was awake before his lips formed a small smile to welcome Alexa's appearance.

"Hey, you okay?" Dominic asked gently. Alexa nodded. Her body unconsciously lay lazily in Dominic's arms.

"You've looked really busy since we got here. Is this vacation actually interfering with your work, Dom?" Alexa asked worriedly. Dominic answered with a slow shake of his head, followed by his hand gently stroking Alexa's slender waist.

"It's nothing, Baby. I'm just... you know, making sure my company keeps working to boost money for our future children," said Dominic half-jokingly. Alexa chuckled. Her fingers slightly pinched Dominic's arm, which was hardened by the muscles he had built all this time.

"Even if you went on holiday for a few months, I doubt your company would go down that easily, Dom. Plus, what child? We... we don't have one yet, do we?"

When discussing the last topic, Alexa slightly lowered her tone. Alexa was suddenly a little disappointed. That is true. They should have been married for years, but they haven't had any children yet.

Seeing the change in his wife's mood, Dominic felt a little guilty. With his thumb, he lifted Alexa's chin so that the woman just looking at him. Dominic smiled gently, as he started to speak again.

"Hey... God just hasn't found the right time to give us that special gift, okay? Besides, can't we consider Flora, Jasper, and Rika our children? They're still teenagers and still enjoy bothering us even now. Maybe, God is waiting for them to grow up first, before giving us troublesome teenagers like them again," comforted Dominic.

Alexa laughed softly in reply. "How can there be children who are treated like subordinates, Dom? And besides, how could teenagers like them want to be considered children by us?" Alexa asked. Dominic smiled, before pulling Alexa's waist so that their bodies were closer together.

"Actually, when I first bought them and educated them, they always called me Daddy. Because you're my partner, you're their Mommy, right?" Dominic teased. This time, Alexa really laughed, the kind of melodious laugh that made Dominic's eyes soften instantly.

"Then we have to stop treating them like workers. They're our children, aren't they, Daddy?"

Dominic's heart immediately started beating fast when Alexa called him that. His body suddenly stiffened, as his cheeks slowly began to turn red.

In the past, Dominic never thought there would be a time when Alexa would call him with such a call. His lips unconsciously formed a wide smile as he hugged Alexa tightly.

"They won't like you treating them like that, Baby. However, can you call me Daddy again? Just once, I want to hear it one more time," asked little Dominic.

Alexa smiled. "Daddy," she said again. Dominic was silent, only the tight hug on his body told Alexa how happy Dominic was right now. Just with her simple words, Dominic looked like he had just gained something valuable in his life.

"Don't leave me again Alexa... Please, I really love you, Baby," Dominic suddenly begged. Alexa was silent. She thought Dominic's sentence referred to her previous affair.

Being with Dominic all this time made Alexa realize how much Dominic loves her. Alexa couldn't even stop thinking about how in the past she could betray a man as gentle as Dominic. With a man like Dominic by her side, Alexa should be the happiest woman in this world.

"I'm not going anywhere, Dom. I'm only yours. My heart and body have completely fallen for your treatment and handsome face," Alexa whispered. Dominic smiled broadly, before releasing his hug to look directly at Alexa.

"Are you serious about what you said?" he asked to confirm.

"I'm serious," Alexa replied confidently. Dominic kissed him right on the lips after that. Dominic wanted Alexa to know how happy he was when he heard Alexa's declaration of love.

His long wait finally paid off. His patience and love. In the end, Alexa was willing to repay him for all his efforts. Tears could not be held back from falling from Dominic's eyes. Dominic's tongue moved to fuse tightly with Alexa's tongue. Making him realize that this time they were truly united, loving each other once again.

Even though everything has to start with a lie.




Dominic turned his head to see Alexa who was sleeping next to him with his hand as a pillow. The two of them were sharing warmth now, close together wrapped in the same blanket on the same bed.

"Did I have a fun life before? You know, before I got depressed and... well, cheated on you," Alexa said. Dominic was silent for a long time after hearing Alexa's question. He thought for a while, trying to remember Alexa's past life before answering in a low voice.

"You... have a nice life," said Dominic. Alexa smiled slightly. Her head rose to rest on Dominic's broad shoulder so she could better hear the rest of her husband's words.

"What kind of fun life?" asked Alexa again. Her eyes were full of curiosity when she asked, eyes that made Dominic feel like he had to answer Alexa's question even though his heart was starting to get a little worried.

"You... have colleagues who are strict but love you. You always want to make them happy, even sacrificing anything for their happiness. With your abilities, you can always do everything flawlessly," Dominic explained. Alexa, who was above him, listened seriously until Dominic continued what he was saying.

"You're kind, smart, and strong. So, you have lots of people who are your fans beside you. You don't hesitate to defend your friends and help those in trouble. You often get into trouble because of your good nature. However, you always say everything doesn't matter as long as you can protect those you love."

When Alexa saw Dominic's face, the man's face was so soft and full of nostalgia when he spoke. Dominic smiled when he knew Alexa was looking at him. But for some reason, Alexa seemed to be able to see a slight feeling of sadness from Dominic's gaze at her at this moment.

"You don't want me to remember the past?" Alexa asked doubtfully. Dominic was completely silent this time. His eyes stared into Alexa's, eyes that without Dominic explaining, Alexa already understood the meaning.

"... Why?" Alexa asked confusedly. Dominic took a deep breath. His strong hands then pulled Alexa's body into his arms.

"You're happy and shining like the stars you once were. You also bring light with every step you take. However, doesn't every light always bring a shadow with them? That shadow is what made you have to take those pills in the first place. If I could choose... I'd rather you be the Alexa now. You can freely laugh, but you are also free to get angry and cry without having to force yourself to be everyone's light. We can make memories again, Baby. But I can't return your beautiful smile just yet," whispered Dominic. Alexa hugged him tightly back. They continued to maintain that position until Alexa lifted her body slightly.

"You know, I probably don't need my memories back. Everything is fine for now. I'm comfortable with my life. Living without memories of the past I don't think is that bad. I probably won't be able to recognize many things or people I knew before. But that's okay, Dom. Because my memory returning won't mean anything if it only makes you sad," said Alexa.

Dominic smiled gently. "Thank you, Baby. I love you," he said again and again. Dominic hugged Alexa again, even though he was still not sure Alexa would mean what he said.

In fact, Dominic was still afraid, too afraid to believe one hundred percent of Alexa's words, as the man had done before.