True Face (Part 2)

Dominic gave a small nod at the answer, his hand continuing to move across the tab to check for other issues.

"Then, what about your meeting with the trade minister we support? I haven't received any reports about that," said Dominic. Not hearing an answer, Dominic stared coldly at Jasper, who smiled stiffly as he rubbed his arm slowly.

"That... I've met him, Boss. He promised to continue to support us and pave the way for our products as much as he can. He also asked Boss to look at some new policies that he will publish soon. It's just... Um... I forgot to bring the report today, Boss," he said nervously at the end of the sentence. Dominic just kept quiet listening to what he said. The man straightened in his seat, before looking at Jasper with a sharp gaze.

"You think this is a joke, Jasper?"

Jasper's body stiffened when Dominic asked him. Jasper bit his lip slightly, before kneeling, like Rika did before.

"... No, Boss. I'm sorry. I'll take the report as quickly as I can," he said fearfully. Dominic pinched his nose lightly, before glancing at Jasper once more.

"Go," Dominic ordered briefly. Jasper quickly stood back up and bowed before quickly leaving Dominic's room.

As soon as Jasper opened the doorknob, Flora entered and was confused by Dominic's very unfriendly aura. Flora glanced at Jasper, who seemed to have rushed out of Dominic's room and didn't have time to greet Flora, who had just returned from her duties.

"Um... Boss, are you scolding Jasper again?" Flora asked curiously. Dominic nodded slightly. His eyes returned to the city view on the glass wall of his office after he put the tab back on the table.

"He forgot to bring his report again. It's not a big problem. I'm just thinking about a lot of things right now and without realizing it, I took out my frustration on that child," said Dominic. His head looked up when Flora approached and took the initiative to massage his shoulder. Dominic closed his eyes tiredly. Flora's massages have always succeeded in relaxing his body after tiring work.

"That's the reason why Boss hasn't come home this late?" Flora asked. Her hands expertly massaged Dominic's shoulders, which were a little too big for her fists.

"Alexa knew I installed a camera in her room. She was very angry with me and Rika too. I tried to make her forget again. However, for some reason, the medicine no longer affected Alexa and instead made her even more angry with me. I lost control when she started cursing me. I don't want to go back now. I'm sure I'll only make everything worse if I come back like this," Dominic said quietly. 

It's still fresh in Domnic's memory of how Alexa cruelly kicked him out. Her treatment of Dominic was almost the same as before Dominic lost Alexa at that time. This made Dominic angry until he could no longer maintain his composure and just left Alexa.

Dominic thought that he just wanted to protect Alexa properly this time. But even without any memories, Alexa still couldn't fully trust him.

After a while, his eyes slowly opened to look at Flora who was smiling slightly above his head.

"You think this is funny?" Dominic asked, clearly offended by Flora's reaction. Flora hurriedly shook her head, while her hands continued to move to expertly massage Dominic's shoulders.

"It's not like that, Boss. It's just... I don't think you need to worry too much about that. Alexa is still losing her memory at the moment. That little anger won't make her go far from you. If I may put it in an example, Alexa's anger right now is just like a small hole in a big ship. A hole that small won't be able to sink the ship. To fix it, we just need to patch the ship so that the ship returns to normal. In this case, you can patch it with love which has made it comfortable. Alexa now keeps you in a special place in her heart."

Dominic took a deep breath. "Is it true?" he asked doubtfully. Flora smiled, before ending her massage session.

"The boss I know is a boss who doesn't hesitate to do anything to get what he wants. This small problem is nothing to him. Keep being a boss like that, and you will get whatever you want."

Dominic smiled slightly after hearing Flora's words. In the silence of the night, Dominic closed his eyes again. Accompanied by Flora who was standing next to them, they fell silent enjoying the quiet atmosphere that enveloped them.

"You're right. I can get her that time. Therefore, a problem like this shouldn't shake me up. We'll stick to the plan. And Flora, tell Rika to immediately get rid of all that annoying evidence. Alexa's business, I'll handle it myself tomorrow."

Flora nodded. "Okay, Boss," she answered. Flora then smiled as her eyes peeked at the paper lying at the end of Dominic's desk.

"Don't you want to come back today? This is a happy day, isn't it? I congratulate you on achieving one of your biggest goals, Boss," teased Flora. Dominic smiled when he heard that. However, he did not budge when his attention was instead focused on the beautiful view presented through the window of his office.

"I want Alexa to first realize that she needs me too, and not just the other way around. As you said, we have to patch the hole properly if we don't want the leak to spread further. I'm just fixing it. The ship will be fine in a moment."

Dominic rested his body against the sofa as he spoke. Various scenarios were already imagined in his mind. His pupils darkened as he stared at the ceiling of his office, which was sparkling with lights and all the accessories.

"The current me won't just let a small pebble sink my ship," he whispered. Dominic glanced at Flora, who was still standing beside him.

"You can go out now, Flora. Go and comfort your little brother. You can go to the club to drink and have fun. But, you have to report to me immediately if you find anything interesting," he ordered.

"And tell Jasper he can give me his report tomorrow. It's already past his working hours," he continued later.

Flora nodded. "I understand. Have a good rest, Boss," she concluded before leaving the room. Dominic waited for Flora to completely disappear from his sight before taking out a cigarette and smoking it slowly.

It seems like spending the night alone really isn't Dominic's style after he married Alexa.