
"Irina died because Dominic considered her a threat to him. Alexa Rutterford never existed in the first place. She was a fake background, which Dominic created to manipulate your mind. Ava Asylum is the real you. Irina tried to tell you that but ended up being hunted down and died by someone not long after. The Ava I know always prepares various plans if something bad happens to her. Just like when you were able to contact General Connor at that time, you must also have other clues about your past that you were hiding even though you can't remember them anymore. Look for those clues, Ava. And you will know that everything I say is the truth you have been looking for."

"Wait, Connor? What do you mean he's the guy who answered my call a month ago?" Alexa asked. The woman nodded. Her finger pointed at a man who was also in the old photo that Alexa was now holding.

"General Connor, that's what he's called now. He is Irina's lover and one of the witnesses of the obsession that Dominic showed you. He received a call from Irina after she was missing for years with you. Irina said you lost your memory and live with the identity as Alexa now, and asked the General to save you from that man. I may not have been there when the big incident happened. But, General Connor was a key witness to the murder of Captain Jake, your real husband, and Aryen, your only child."

Alexa's body stiffened when she was forced to receive various information at once by a woman who claimed to be named Lisa. Alexa was suddenly invited to the garden, where another man was waiting for her there. The man's name was Louis, and he claimed to be Alexa's comrade when she was still in the special forces. The two people tell a very unreasonable past, filled with tragedy and cruelty committed by her husband, Dominic.

"The General said Dominic might have become more alert after you tried calling the General's number that time. We can't explain everything at once right now, so you have to manage to find the evidence yourself if you want to know the truth, Ava. Go to the Laguna Hotel and ask for room number 134 to the receptionist if you choose to believe us after that. We will take you far away from Dominic if you come to us." 

"Remember, Ava, we will only be in this country until next week. Dominic watching his territory closely now that we can't hide from him for too long. Now, you better go back before Dominic or anyone else realizes you've been missing from the party. Remember, Ava. Go to Hotel Laguna number 134 if you have decided to come with us. We will help you. You don't deserve to live with that killer, Ava."

After finishing repeating her words over and over again, Lisa and Louis slipped away quickly from that place. Alexa was contemplating in her place after that. Her eyes continued to look at the photo in her hand with a complicated look.

"... Why do I feel like I actually know them? I never felt this feeling when I met Dominic or anyone else before," muttered Alexa. Her hand unconsciously touched her stomach before Alexa took a deep breath to calm her mind.

"Why does my past have to be revealed when I'm already happy," she whispered in a trembling voice.


"Alexa! Oh my God, I almost had a heart attack when I didn't find you in the party hall."

As soon as Alexa came back inside, she was greeted by Eliza, who looked at her, clearly panicked. Alexa tried to smile. She couldn't look like there was something wrong for now.

"When I saw the view from the window earlier, I saw your beautiful garden and wanted to see it up close. Sorry if I made you panic. How is Mark?" Alexa asked. Eliza let out a sigh of relief before turning to look at her son, who was running around happily with the other children again.

"Just normal bruises, no possibility of concussion or other problems. Duh, Alexa. If you want, Dominic can make you a garden that's better than mine," replied Eliza half-jokingly. The woman looked confused when, instead of answering, Alexa took her hand and put it together with her own.

"But Eliza, could you keep my going to the garden a secret from my husband? You know, Dom became even more possessive after he found out I was pregnant. He said the night wind wasn't good for me, and he would complain if he found out I was walking around alone at night like this," asked Alexa to explain. Eliza, who heard this, immediately nodded in agreement. She also knew how annoying it was to be guarded so tightly by her husband when she was pregnant with Mark.

Alexa gasped when someone suddenly touched her shoulder from behind. Alexa turned around to see Dominic's worried face. Her head suddenly felt dizzy when the image of Dominic's worried face was suddenly crushed by the image of Dominic smiling at her with a face full of blood.



Dominic panicked when Alexa suddenly had a pale face while her body was a little unsteady. His hands quickly caught the body of his wife, who suddenly felt nauseous and almost fell to the floor freely if he hadn't held her back.

"Honey? Are you okay? Eliza, did she eat something before?" Dominic asked. Eliza shook her head in confusion. Dominic was just about to become even more panicked when Alexa moved to hug him tightly.

"I'm just tired. Eliza didn't do anything wrong, Dom. Can we just go home now?" whispered Alexa. Dominic hugged her back before his lips kissed the top of Alexa's head.

"Okay, we're going home, Baby. Gavin, Eliza, once again, congratulations on Mark's fifth birthday. May he live a long and happy life," Dominic prayed before taking Alexa out quickly. Jasper, who saw Dominic leaving, immediately got into the car, started it, and stopped right in front of Dominic, who was waiting for him to arrive.

"Boss, what's wrong with Madam?"

Seeing that Alexa's condition was not good, Jasper asked out of curiosity. Dominic didn't answer right away. First, he led Alexa into the car before he got in and closed the door himself this time.

"He's not feeling well. Ask Rika to call the doctor to come to the house. I want him to be ready when we get home," ordered Dominic. "Yes, Boss," Jasper answered before turning on the small headset attached to his ear as he started the engine of the car they were riding in.

"No need for a doctor. I don't want to be lectured by the doctor again, Dom...."

However, before Jasper had time to contact Rika, Alexa started protesting against Dominic. Jasper put the call on hold again, his eyes glancing at Dominic from the rearview mirror in the car to wait for further orders.

"Baby... I will scold the doctor if he starts lecturing you. You're nauseous again, right? I'm afraid something will happen to you or the baby. Just a moment, the doctor will just check you for a moment, okay?"

Like comforting a child, Dominic began to coax Alexa. However, Alexa, who was lying on Dominic's lap, was still shaking her head slowly. Her beautiful face turned away to hide in her husband's stomach area, which was hard due to his muscles.

"No, Dom. I don't want to see a doctor. I'm tired. I just want to sleep..." Alexa muttered, starting to get annoyed. Seeing his wife's mood starting to get worse, Dominic finally gave in. He just gently stroked Alexa's hair, hoping it would make Alexa feel better.

Dominic didn't realize that his treatment only made Alexa's feelings more complicated. The woman bit her lips tightly, trying hard to hold back the tears that could come out at any time.

Right now, Alexa just wants to feel Dominic's warmth for a little longer.