Letter (Part 1)

November 21, 2xxx

For anyone who finds this letter in the future, my name is Ava Asylum, and I am a victim of imprisonment carried out by Dominic Rutterford, a man who killed my husband and son just to lock me up in the big room of his house.

As I write this letter, three months have passed since Dominic threatened to kill my friend Irina if I didn't comply with his wishes. He had killed my husband and son. So, I couldn't let him kill my best friend too.

I was locked up in a large mansion surrounded by forest on the outskirts of town. The mansion I live in is white, and I'm sure Dominic won't change that any time soon. Please ask the police to search this place if you find this letter. You are the only last hope that I left in this old drawer.

Even if you can't find me there later, please open the flower painting that I try to leave in my room even if something happens to me later. There, I kept evidence of Dominic's murder, evidence that I obtained by sacrificing my pride as payment.

No matter how long it takes, I want the truth to be known to the world. I just want that man to rot in prison for what he did to my only family.

Ava Asylum

Alexa's hands shook as she read the letter word for word. Alexa couldn't imagine how desperate she was when she wrote this letter. She seemed to want to make Dominic throw away this drawer first, in the hope that someone would take it and find the letter that was his last hope. However, for some reason, it seems that Alexa's wish cannot come true. Because here she is now, reading her letter after two years have passed since the date the letter was written.

Trying to strengthen herself, Alexa got up again to look for the painting that 'she' meant before. The painting was lying under her bed, a corner that was rarely noticed by people, including Dominic or Rika, who always cleaned her room in the morning.

In the painting with the figure, there is a large envelope wrapped in tape inside the canvas. Alexa looked for scissors in her room to open the tape and studied the large envelope for a long time.

With remaining courage, Alexa opened the envelope. Inside, there is a voice recorder, which is neatly wrapped. Alexa took a deep breath before trying to press the on button on the device.

[Morning, Baby... Ah, you look pale. You must have missed your meal again, right? Wait a moment. I'll call Rika to check on you. You've looked sick since last night.]

[...Why does it have to be me, Dom?]


[I said, why did I have to be your target? You destroyed everything. You killed my husband and child, threatened my friend's life, and now you are destroying my mind slowly. Do you hate me that much, Dom? You know I will never love you, not after you make me completely disgusted just to look at your face.]

[When the time comes, you will know why I did everything.]

No longer able to hold it in, Alexa cried when she realized she had been acting stupid all this time. Dominic is truly a murderer. He locks Alexa away to the point of desperation just for his pleasure.

And now, Alexa admits that she loves this man. She spends time with Dominic and prepares to have children in a few months.

"Remember, Ava, we will only be in this country until next week. Dominic watching his territory closely now that we can't hide from him for too long. Now, you better go back before Dominic or anyone else realizes you've been missing from the party. Remember, Ava. Go to Hotel Laguna number 134 if you have decided to come with us. We will help you. You don't deserve to live with that killer, Ava."

Alexa wiped her tears when she remembered what Lisa said before. Alexa tried to be calm as she cleaned up the mess she made so that Rika wouldn't suspect her, like that time.

After Alexa finished everything, she took a breath and opened the photo that Lisa had given her and had hidden in her pocket all this time. Alexa stared at the photo for a long time, trying to remember everyone in the photo for the second time.

Now, all she needed to do was go to the place Lisa said without Rika or Dominic following her.


"You're awake, Madam. Do you want to eat something? It's already afternoon, and you missed lunch earlier."

As soon as Rika saw that Alexa had woken up, she approached and offered Alexa something politely, as usual. Alexa nodded slightly. "I just want to eat cake," she said, trying to be as normal as possible. Alexa spent a lot of time calming herself down. But, her anger came back when Alexa saw Rika talking to her as usual, as if the girl had done nothing wrong.

It turned out that her instincts had been right all along. When Alexa looked closely, Rika's face was always filled with indifference when faced with her. Rika was only friendly when Dominic asked her to and apologized so that Dominic would forgive her at that time.

Rika never cared for her in the slightest. Not then, not now.

"Then, I will prepare your favorite tart cake, Madam."

Calmly, Rika nodded and then went to prepare Alexa's food without the slightest awareness of the change in Alexa's gaze towards her. Alexa followed quietly. She sat down as Rika kept the piece of cake along with a glass of pregnancy milk right in front of her.

"Please enjoy, Madam," said Rika politely. The girl started watching her as Alexa ate slowly until the cake was finished, and she drank the pregnancy milk slowly.

Now, Alexa just needs to think of a way to escape from this middle of nowhere.