Javano and Freya

The sound of loud clapping was heard again when other children finished reading their narratives about their parents. The faces of the adults watching their children outside the classroom looked satisfied, while Vano's mother had left a long time ago to work because he asked her to.

For their first lesson, the teacher asked all the new students to come forward one by one. They will introduce themselves and tell you who the hero they currently admire is. Some children admire superheroes, police, soldiers, or their parents. Everyone told their stories enthusiastically until a girl was called to come forward with her head still bowed.

"... My name is Freya. I'm 7 years old."

Vano's eyebrows furrowed when some children started to suppress their laughter when they saw the little girl's shabby clothes. The colors on that girl's clothes had started to fade, while her shoes had mud marks in several places.