
"You finally got the time to see us?" Albie asked, his voice laced with playful sarcasm, as he saw his friend enter his study room. The room, adorned with dark mahogany shelves filled with books and artifacts from their travels, had always been their sanctum, a place where they could escape the pressures of their powerful family.

"Of course. You're my brothers above all. There's no formality between us—I always think about you," Xavier replied immediately, his tone light-hearted but sincere.

Albie raised his hand and said, "Don't make me puke. The last thing I'd ever want is your love."

Mason, sprawled out on the leather sofa, nodded vigorously. "Exactly! The last time he tried to show me love, I ended up ten feet down a pit. I'd rather have your hate."

Xavier rolled his eyes. "Hmph! You guys don't deserve my love anyway."

Albie poured Xavier a drink, the amber liquid catching the dim light of the room. "Why were you late?"

"Nothing, just Grandfather," Xavier replied, accepting the glass.

"How is he?" Albie asked, leaning against the oak desk.

"Hmm. According to the doctor, he's fine now. Though sometimes I think it was all an act just so we'd come back to his side," Xavier said, taking a sip of his drink.

"Act? Didn't that waste lot of our time? He could have just ordered?" Albie commented.

"Do you think it was a waste to come back here? Is it worth it to come back here and leave all that back in S country?" Mason asked solemnly.

"Coming back to your country is always worth it, Mason," Albie said, his voice steady. They had been raised with a deep sense of duty and loyalty to their homeland, a place their family had long influenced and shaped.

"What about our business? Is it worth it for them?" Mason asked, his voice tinged with concern. The business empire they managed was vast and complex, spanning continents and industries. And it's headquarter is in S country.

"We'll manage. It might take some time, but it'll be fine," Xavier replied, his confidence unwavering. They had faced greater challenges before and had always emerged stronger.

"Hmm. Let's talk about college. How's college?" Albie asked, changing the subject with a casual air.

Xavier's demeanor instantly shifted. His mind went to Emma, the person who had unexpectedly brightened his days. "What?"

Although Mason didn't notice, Albie did. Xavier's sudden change in emotion immediately caught his eye. He could see the question about college brought some change in Xavier.

With a hidden smirk, Albie asked again, "Do you like it? College? How are the students there?"

Xavier couldn't help but think about Emma at that moment. College? Of course he liked it more each day. A faint smile unknowingly spread across his face. "Hmm... It's interesting."

Albie's eyes squinted with curiosity. He hadn't seen such a genuine smile on Xavier in a long time. The last time he saw this excitement was related to someone who had left. He wondered what could be the reason this time. Albie grew more curious about the situation at college.

"What’s so interesting to talk about college?" Mason asked, confused. He had always seen college as a place of duty rather than enjoyment, a necessary step in their meticulously planned lives.

Xavier turned to Mason but had no real answer. He had said "interesting" without thinking and couldn't explain why. "Um..."

Before Xavier could say anything, Albie interrupted. "Why do you have to bother with these questions, Mason? Xavier said it's interesting. Let's just go with that."

"Forget Mason, you tell me, Xavier. It's been more than a week since college started. You went on the first day?" Albie questioned, leaning forward with a mischievous glint in his eye.

"Hmm," Xavier hummed in response, nonchalant.

"Second?" Albie pressed on.


"You’ve been attending college regularly?" Albie asked, raising an eyebrow.

"... Hmm," Xavier paused before affirming, the slight hesitation not escaping his friends' notice.

"Interesting," Albie remarked with a cheerful smile, the corners of his mouth curling up in amusement.