
The next day, as planned, Albie headed straight to the generic class. Behind him, Mason followed closely. Shortly after, Xavier walked in, noticing Albie sitting in his usual spot. Xavier knew exactly what Albie was up to; he couldn't allow Albie to sit beside Emma.

"Hey, Albie, move over," Xavier said firmly as he approached.

Albie looked up with a playful smile. "Why should I? It's a free country."

Xavier narrowed his eyes. "Don't play with fire, Albie. Just move."

"Come on, Xavier, where's your sense of humor?" Albie retorted, his grin widening.

Understanding the implications of his best friend's actions, Xavier tried to warn him. "I'm serious, Albie. This isn't a matter of amusement."

But Albie remained resolute. "And neither am I. I'm comfortable right here."

Observing his two friends, Mason wisely decided to distance himself from the brewing tension. He muttered, "I'll be at the back if anyone needs me," and moved to the last row, last bench, far away from the first row, last bench—the battleground of Albie and Xavier.

Finding the situation childish, Xavier chose not to create a scene. He moved to an adjacent row, casting a cold glance at Albie for his mischievous antics. This is preposterous. They’re behaving like children, he thought. Xavier felt a foreboding sense that the return of his two friends wouldn't bode well for him.

Soon, the classroom filled with students, and Emma walked in, dressed in a black hoodie, white jeans, black boots, and a mask and cap to cover her face. As she entered, she noticed a new deskmate. The unfamiliar smile on Albie's face made her uneasy. Who is this individual? He seems too friendly for comfort. Although Emma sensed he meant no harm, she felt uncomfortable, predicting that he would be talkative and disruptive to her quiet life.

Walking towards her seat, she saw Xavier sitting alone in the adjacent row. She preferred not to sit too far away and certainly not beside someone new.

Going to his side she saw Xavier's bag on the other bench. She bit her lower lips and waited two seconds. But before she could speak Xavier moved.

He smoothly took his bag from his side chair to let her sit. As if there was some silent understanding between them, Emma understood his gesture and sat beside him. Xavier didn't turn. He remembered the first time they met in this college. The same situation was there. Last time it was file, today his bag.

Although Xavier was satisfied by the fact that Emma chose not to sit beside Albie, he was also puzzled by her decision. 'Why is she suddenly sitting here? She usually avoids everyone.'

As Emma settled in, she pulled her cap down, clearly avoiding Albie's gaze. It dawned on Xavier that it wasn't him Emma wanted to be near; she was trying to avoid Albie and his cheeky smile towards her, and Xavier was the best option for that. He finally understood that Emma couldn't sit alone as she knew that Albie would follow her immediately. And the best option as a deskmate for her is him.

Seeing Albie's bewildered and disappointed face, Xavier felt a sense of victory. He smirked at Albie before refocusing on the class. This is going to be interesting, he thought with a slight smile.

He knows his friend the best. Albie won't stop at just this. He would follow her almost every day to get Emma's attention. However, he could also see what will be Emma's response. She would clearly ignore him and would definitely say some cold words to Albie just to stop his stalking behavior.

Xavier was interested because he knew how shameful it was going to be, and he definitely wanted Albie to lose this time. Although Xavier doesn't know much about Emma, he surely does know that she dislikes befriending anyone.

She prefers to stay alone, away from all social life. And mainly because of this, everyone dislikes her for being too mysterious.

Soon class began and all Albie could think of was how he had been ignored by the girl for the very first time. He knows the reason must be his creepy smile. But he couldn't believe that he felt more attracted towards this girl again. The more he looked at Emma the more he wanted to get close to her and to know her.