
All four of them decided to go to the college garden to brainstorm ideas for the project. As they walked together, they drew everyone's attention. It wasn't just because the group included Xavier, Albie, and Mason, but also because Emma was walking with them. The envious glares and jealous looks directed at Emma were countless.

Although Emma was used to such glares because of being with Kai, they had lessened over time. But today, as she walked with Xavier, Albie, and Mason, the stares and inexplicable feelings from everyone in college were back in full force.

Walking inside garden Albie and Mason sat down on ground. And in front of them Xavier and Emma took their seat together. Taking their notes out Mason and Emma read the content and topic of their project properly all again.

Albie leaned forward, his eyes bright with excitement. "So, guys, this is our first project together. How cool is that? We need to come up with something awesome. Any ideas?"

Mason adjusted his glasses and said. "Well, um, we could start by... maybe analyzing some real-life financial statements?"

Albie let out a slight huff. "Apart from that we need something more complex to make it look good."

Emma looked up from her notes, her voice clear. "Maybe we could... compare financial statements from different industries? Like tech and retail?"

She had never participated in a group project before and had rarely spoken to anyone besides Kai. The idea of working in a group made her uncomfortable. She had intentionally avoided forming friendships, fearing that any mishap could expose her true identity. She couldn't afford to take that risk.

Xavier turned his gaze to her, his eyes piercing but thoughtful. "That could work. We need to make sure our data is accurate, though."

He noticed her hesitation. He knew that Emma wouldn't become comfortable overnight; it would take time for her to open up to him. But he wanted to help her start the process.

Albie grinned. "Yeah, and we can present it in a cool way, like with graphs and charts!"

Mason nodded in agreement and added, "Emma has some knowledge about this, and she'll gain more experience as we go along. Xavier can assist by collecting data to support her. What do you think?"

Xavier in his demeanor businesslike nodded. "Hmm."

"Okay." Emma replied also, her tone direct.

Mason spoke up again, "I can help with the analysis part. And Albie can do the presentation."

"Sounds like a plan!" Albie said, his enthusiasm undimmed. "Emma, if you need any help with the data, just let me know."

Mason rolled his eyes at his friend. He couldn't understand why his friend was so eager to forge a friendship with Emma. He believed that relationships should develop naturally over time, guided by fate.

Emma gave a curt nod. "I'll manage."

As they continued discussing their roles, a gust of wind disrupted Emma's ability to read her notes or make points for the project. Seeing her struggle, Xavier calmly held onto the page Emma wasn't writing on.

Emma looked up, surprised. "Thanks,"

Albie, oblivious to the silent exchange, clapped his hands together. "So, when do you guys want to meet next to discuss our progress? I was thinking maybe Thursday?"

Mason nodded. "Thursday works for me."

"Thursday is fine," Xavier said, his tone firm.

"I'll have some data ready by then," Emma assured them.

"I'll help." Xavier slowly said.

"Perfect!" Albie beamed. "This is gonna be great, guys. I can feel it!"

"Yeah, it's... it's going to be good," Mason agreed, his words slow but sincere.

As they packed up their belongings and prepared to leave the park, Albie, always eager and a bit impulsive, suddenly turned to Emma with a wide grin.

"Hey, Emma, can I get your phone number? You know, for project updates and stuff?" Albie asked, his enthusiasm bubbling over.

Emma paused for a moment. It was important for them to exchange numbers, which meant she needed Xavier's number as well. She glanced briefly at Xavier, who was gathering his notes with a focused expression. Sensing her hesitation, Xavier glanced up, meeting her gaze briefly before returning to his task.

"Here" Emma replied coolly, taking out her phone and typing it in quickly. She handed it to Albie, who eagerly saved it with a triumphant grin.

"Awesome! Thanks, Emma," Albie said cheerfully, already tapping away at his phone to send her a message.

Xavier, observing the exchange with a hint of amusement, finally spoke up to Emma as they prepared to leave. "If you need any guidance or help with the data collection, feel free to ask. Albie would send you my number."

Saying that, he glanced at Albie and raised an eyebrow, prompting Albie to immediately send Emma his number. When Emma heard Xavier's offer, she felt grateful, and the chime of her cellphone confirmed that she had received the number.

Emma nodded in acknowledgment, her expression softened a little. "Sure, thanks."

The group began packing up their things. As they walked away from the table, Xavier lingered behind for a moment, his eyes following Emma's retreating figure. He shook his head slightly, as if dispelling a thought, and then caught up with the others.

"This better be worth it," he muttered under his breath.