
Xavier, Albie, and Mason reached the old mansion of Duke's. The workers were running around frantically. Some had catalogs in their hands, making hurried notes, while others were in the midst of hanging garlands and streamers. A few were scrubbing the floors, their faces strained with the effort of removing scars. It was complete chaos for the party that was scheduled to be held weeks later.

As they stepped inside, the sound of clattering dishes and shouted instructions filled the air. A group of decorators was arguing over the placement of a grand chandelier, its crystals catching the light and scattering rainbows across the room. In the corner, a harried-looking event planner was flipping through her clipboard, her phone pressed tightly to her ear as she tried to coordinate deliveries.


"It's a mess," Albie commented, rubbing his temples as they walked down the long, marbled corridor of the mansion.

"What a drag," Mason sighed deeply, his shoulders slumping.

"You haven't even started and it's a drag?" Albie scoffed, shooting Mason a disbelieving look.

Mason simply shrugged his shoulders and moved on to follow Xavier, who had already gone inside towards the main study room.

"Hey, wait for me!" Albie shouted before running after his friends.

The mansion was a sprawling estate, its grandeur a testament to generations of accumulated wealth and power. The walls were adorned with portraits of ancestors, their stern faces seemingly watching over the proceedings. Sunlight streamed through tall windows, casting intricate patterns on the polished floors.

As the boys entered the study room, the attention shifted to them. Inside, three elegantly dressed ladies sat on a plush couch, while three men, equally refined, were seated on another couch and chairs. The room was richly decorated with dark wood furniture, antique rugs, and a grand fireplace that added an air of old-world sophistication.

"Have you guys checked the names on the invitations that I sent?" Ether Duke, mother of Xavier asked the moment all three boys entered the room. Her voice was sharp, underscoring the importance of the task.

"Yes, aunty. Of course we did," Albie instantly answered, trying to sound confident.

"Tell the clans' names that will be participating then," Ether Duke said again, her eyes piercing.

"Clan? What clan?" Mason looked at his friend Albie, who had already taken his seat on the couch with their fathers.

"..." Their father who were also there looked at Mason helplessly.

"Aunty, don't include me with that sloth. I remember each and every name on the invitation," Albie said again.

Jenny Shroff, mother of Albie, was in mid of reading her book when she finally looked up in annoyance because of her son. She interjected, her voice laced with irritation. "Tell me the name of the daughter of the Torres clan."

"..." Albie hesitated, a momentary flicker of panic in his eyes.

Everyone couldn't help but sigh deeply. Jill Brown looked at all three boys, narrowing her eyes at them. She angrily said, "Don't embarrass us. These clans are very, very important to us. You guys better make sure to not just remember clan members but also the important family names and their heirs."

Where Xavier scratched his brows, Mason nodded while yawning and Albie like a good boy also nodded.

"Got that?" Ether asked, her tone demanding an immediate response.

The boys exchanged uneasy glances. "...Yes, aunty," Mason and Albie said in unison.

"Xavier?” Jill looked at him. She know it's hard to get answer from that mouth of Xavier, but she won't be lenient knowing how important that party is.

Xavier glanced at their fathers—Leo, Oliver, and Michael—who were quietly sitting and watching the drama unfold. In the end, he nodded. "Yes, Aunty."

"Good. Now before you go back, the designers are waiting for you upstairs. Then check on the arrangements before leaving," Jenny said and went back to her book, dismissing them with a wave.

One by one, all three boys left the room, the weight of their responsibilities pressing heavily on their shoulders.


As they walked upstairs, the tension lingered in the air. Mason nudged Albie. "You really didn't look at the names, did you?"

Albie rolled his eyes. "Of course not. That's Xavier's job."

Xavier, leading the way, turned his head slightly. Sighing deeply he said. "We'll manage."