Dorm assigning

Head Griffin straightened her posture while placing both hands behind her and she said ** now you all repeat after me **.


In a very audible voice which made her voice resound all over the hallway.

Head Griffin carried on with her instructions ** now you all would be having your first classes here, with your guide in your hands.

Stretch out your hands and meditate, picture your luggage while saying the words *.

Afterwards she watched the freshmen present in the Hall of Grandeur, holding their guides out whilst muttering the words.

Soon the hall became noisy with lots of freshmen raising a chorus;





Accompanied with the resounding chorus in the hall was also a mixed atmosphere of frustration and excitement.

Cause most students were able to make their guide levitate, whilst other groups of students found the process to be hard.

Head Griffin watched the pact of students who were able to make their guide levitate, whilst it took the shape of a paper aeroplane.

While also looking at the others with mixed feelings within them.

** Now you all with your guides levitating, should head towards your dorm.

The rest will carry on with making their guide levitate ** Head Griffin spoke with an air of strictness exuding from her.

Amongst the group of freshmen, a girl with red wavy hair; whose guide was already levitating.

Spoke up in an inquisitive tone, ** now how do I get it to find my dorm * which caused a lot of reaction from fellow freshmen who had levitated their guide.

Head Griffin spoke with much power whilst saying ** LOCATE * in a demonstrating manner, afterwards she said ** when saying the word; you must infuse your will into the guide **.






Head Griffin watched a series of failed and successful trials, which the freshmen did in an attempt to make their guide move.

Amongst it all was still some group who hadn't even gotten their guide to levitate yet, which made them more frustrated.

Ariana looked around, whilst seeing a group of mixed reactions from people who stood next to her.

She focused on her guide still in her hands, whilst glaring at it; in a weird way which made Gaddie who stood a few feet from her to laugh.

Gaddie said in an encouraging tone, ** come on, try harder you would get it ** whilst she had her guide up and said

** LOCATE *.

The guide started moving towards the right from the center of the hall, which led to a walkway with very bright lights throughout.

Accompanied with other freshmen whose guides were already moving towards the same direction, Gaddie followed after her guide.

She turned towards Ariana who was still struggling to get her guide levitated, whilst she said ** good luck Ariana, see you around ** in her sloppy tone; she turned and kept walking forward.

Head Griffin spoke up, just as the group of freshmen were leaving the Hall of Grandeur, ** keep following your guide.

And when you arrive at your assigned dorm it would lose its magic and fall down ** while she directed her gaze back at the other group in the hall.



Head Griffin watched the group of freshmen who were still struggling to levitate their guide, even if the number kept decreasing little by little.

She muttered to herself ** I guess we often see a number of gifted norms each year ** afterwards she said ** the best way of growing your potential is proper practice.

Which some of you here seems to lack, as witches you all should have a high affinity for spell casting ** whilst she turned around.

Head Griffin started moving up the stairs, ** if ever you couldn't get your guide to levitate, then you would have to wait till the academy's famulus arrives later today**.

She kept walking onward without giving as much as to spare the remaining freshmen a glance, with only her departing foot step resounding in the hall.

( I used the term famulus to describe personal menial attendance who severs students in the academy; from its actual meaning )


Araina watched the guide in her hands whilst staring at it more closely now, she looked around the hall and noticed the number of students were decreasing by the minute.

Which made her harden her resolve, and she muttered amidst her breath """" purple luggage, purple luggage, purple luggage """"


With more intensity than the previous times.

This time her result was different, cause the guide flew up for seconds and fell back down again. She became frustrated which made her feel like trampling the guide beneath her feet.

Araina bent over and picked the guide, she didn't stand up immediately; rather she remained down there while raising her head and watching the group of persons who were now left in the hall.

She saw how some had similar cases like hers while others couldn't get theirs to move at all, the angle which she curled at gave her an overview of everything that was happening in the hall.

The frustration, helplessness and struggle which made some freshmen sweating now from exertion and others are still trying to make the spell.

Araina stood up while still holding the guide in her hands and she remembered what her mom told her awhile back, about ways witches used to strengthen themselves when faced with difficult situations.

Her mother was filled with lots of stories which she had always told her from young till date, which made Ariana smile from realization.

She took a firm step from behind the hall while clapping her hands in an attempt to gain the attention from the rest of the people present in the hall.

Which she got from them, Ariana spoke up enthusiastically ** I'm sorry for disturbing you all, but I think I know a way in which we could all get what we want ** .

Her words caused the remaining people to look at her weirdly, cause they were already giving up; while others were already seated in the ground waiting for the academy's famulus to arrive.

** I know this might sound strange, but I need you all to trust me; cause we could achieve the impossible if we put our mind into it ** after finishing her speech.

Ariana placed her guide below her feet, while she smiled and looked at them; she said ** now come closer **.

** The point of it all is to form a circle around with our guide placed at our feet, while forming a connection with our hands ** she explained her idea to them.

Ariana's enthusiasm drew a few people towards her while others still felt skeptical about trying her idea, since they were already tired from exhaustion.

Rather than letting the down casted attitude of the group way her down, Ariana said ** we are a new generation of witches; so why feel bad if we can't follow the existing laws.

When we can make our own rules, which would be our definition * Ariana said while extending out her hands, in an attempt for them to take it.

Her words became the last driven force which compelled the freshmen left in the hall to take each other's hands, while placing the guide at their feet.

All thirteen of them amidst the group of people who arrived from Willow's town, who couldn't find their assigned dorms yet; now stood in a circle holding hands.

Araina looked at all of them with resolution in her eyes, while she said * now let's try a new approach, in place of our luggage let's think of the happy moments we've had.

The beautiful memories and positivity only** with that said, Ariana nodded at them while seeing the new light of hope and bliss in their faces.