While Hans kept Julius destructed, the three men swiftly exited the tea house and rendezvoused with Annie in an alley near the palace. "Why do you need my help to enter the palace?" Annie inquired with curiosity.

Peter replied, "We aim to steal weapons."

"What?" Annie exclaimed in disbelief. She knew they were up to something but sneaking into the palace when they knew almost nothing about their enemy’s tactics and security system was too idiotic even for the likes of cowboys.

Darius elucidated, "Since we fled the Wellington estate after the major's son's demise, everyone believes we are fugitives. To safeguard Julius and our companions, we require arms."

"I cannot assist in sneaking into the palace. I thought you sought my aid to secure an audience with the queen due to your innocence. But stealing weapons? It's reckless; you can't confront them! Its certain death!" Annie objected.

Darius asserted, "It's the sole means to ensure our protection. We killed his son! The major is hunting us down as we speak!"

"Henry is alive! I will implore the princess to persuade the major to resolve this peacefully without bloodshed!" Annie declared.

Peter interjected, "Henry lives? Are you certain?"

"I saw him today at the palace with my own eyes. Return to Flisk's tea house for now. I'll request the princess to intercede with the Queen on your behalf, alright?" Annie proposed.

Before they could sway her to join their scheme, she departed for the palace. Infiltrating the palace without internal aid seemed nearly impossible. Hence, they opted to return to the tea house and collaborate with Erick.

Days later, Katherine arrived at the palace. Upon learning of Darius and the others' escape from the Wellington estate, she hastened to seek the queen's assistance. While navigating the palace, she unexpectedly encountered Erick's son, Lameck, a commanding security officer.

Despite his father's efforts to arrange a prestigious marriage for him, Lameck had never been interested in romance until then. Enthralled by Katherine's beauty, he was determined to make her his bride. "Who is she?" he inquired of one of his guards.

"Katherine Harrison. She and her brother are the last Harrisons. You two were friends during primary lessons," the guard responded.

"She's that haughty girl!" From that moment, he resolved to make her his wife, with his father's approval, considering her as an heir to the affluent Harrison family.

"Katherine Harrison, what a fortunate encounter!" Lameck began, attempting to charm her with a good first impression.

"Listen, I'm searching for my brother. Have you seen him?" Katherine inquired.

"Do you remember me at all? It's Lameck! How long has it been since we last met? You look so... um... exquisite!" Lameck stammered.

"Thank you. I'm in a rush. Can you guide me to my brother if you know his whereabouts? It's urgent!"

"Of course! Follow me."

During their journey to find Titus, Lameck seized the chance to continue his efforts to win her over. "How have you been?" he asked.

"Good. And you? How's life at the palace?"

"It's demanding, but I manage. There's little time for anything else. Marriage is a concern. Are you involved with someone?" Lameck inquired.

"Engaged. Make time for dating. Love is beautiful. A handsome man like you must have admirers. Don't be too selective; choose one!"

"Well, you know me. It's challenging to connect with others. There are attractive women pursuing me, but it's more than just looks. It's about that special bond, mutual understanding, and resonance. You and I are like two peas in a pod. We rich folks comprehend each other due to our similar backgrounds," Lameck explained, gazing into her eyes."

“Hmm. I don't know, believe there is someone special for each of us out there. And it doesn't matter whether they're poor or not." She replied

"Yes, you're right. Money is just arr... it's dispensable. What I meant to say is..."

"Lameck! Can we speed up? It's kind of urgent!" Katherine interrupted.

His initial attempt to woo Katherine had failed. Silently, he escorted her to Titus, finding them on the brink of departure. Katherine was unaware of Henry's presence in Stork City with Titus. Upon seeing Katherine, Henry approached and kissed her on the cheeks.

"Henry, delightful to see you. What brings you here?" Katherine asked awkwardly, surprised by Henry's reaction despite sending an engagement termination notice.

"Did you get my letter?" she inquired.

"What letter? Oh, the engagement termination notice? I thought it was a joke. Surely you didn't expect me to accept that nonsense, did you?"

"I'm serious! I won't marry you," she firmly stated.

"Katherine!" Titus intervened, mindful of the Wellingtons' influence.

"Mr. Harrison, it's fine. I can handle this. Disagreements happen in relationships. It's normal not to see eye to eye all the time," Henry explained. "I understand the situation from your brother. I'm a reasonable man. It's alright; misunderstandings occur. The key is distinguishing reality from deception. I'm real! He, however, is a man soon to meet his end by my hand."

"Katherine! Please, stop this childish behavior already!" Titus pleaded.

"You stop, brother! You claim to act for my happiness. If you truly seek that, help me save Darius. And you!" Katherine turned to Henry. "Touch a hair on his body, and I’ll make you regret ever being born!"

"Surprising! I never knew you had it in you. It only makes me more determined," Henry remarked.

Lameck observed, awaiting the right moment to intervene. Titus instructed the guards to prevent Katherine from leaving, asserting his authority as a Harrison lord. Subsequently, he departed with Henry to interrogate Logan, their captive.

Lameck stayed with Katherine.

"Do you truly want to end the engagement?" he asked.

"Help me meet the queen. She'll understand my side," Katherine pleaded.

"Don't worry, I'll assist. What are friends for? I'll arrange a meeting tomorrow."

"Can't we do it today?" she inquired.

"She's unavailable at the moment. I'm on your side. I won't let him force you into a marriage," Lameck reassured.

"About the wanted men on the posters, one was caught. Is this him?" Katherine showed Darius's picture.

"No, he was larger," Lameck noted, devising a plan to eliminate Darius. But first, he needed to annul Katherine's engagement to Henry officially.

Meanwhile, Titus and Henry discovered Logan missing from the prison.

"What do you mean he's gone? Useless! Did you let him escape?" Titus demanded answers from the guards.

The officer explained, "He's been moved to level G9 for reformation."

Henry inquired, "When will he return? We need to question him!"

"The major ordered the transfer. His return is at the major's discretion," the officer replied.

Titus requested, "Can you take us there? We need to ask him some questions."

"I can't. I lack clearance for that level," the officer replied.

Curious about level G9, they searched but found no information. It was a secretive underground area at the palace, known to a few. Accessing Logan required Major Wellington, an unlikely option.

After being knocked out, Logan had a nightmare where his friends were killed by a strange machine. After hours trapped in his troubling dream, he woke up tied to a bed.

Looking around, he saw something horrific - human organs kept in bizarre machines. This sight shocked him, making him realize he hadn't seen the extent of madness in the world.

As he started screaming for help, a man in a white coat approached him, saying, "Calm down! Everything is okay. Soon you'll be part of something greater... well, in a way." At that moment, Logan realized he was face to face with death itself.