"This is encouraging!" Hans sarcastically remarked as Flisk left, leaving them with lingering questions. "But let's be real, I wouldn't agree to help us either. Look at us! We're just a bunch of penniless men dreaming of starting a rebellion with nothing but improbable plans. We're banking on wishful luck, and frankly, it's absurd!"

Darius interjected, his voice firm, "Let's not give up now. We've already crossed the Rubicon. There's no turning back now. When we made this decision, we knew challenges lay ahead. We must stay determined and find a way forward."

Julius asserted, "I'll persuade Flisk to help us. He's our best shot at getting the guns we need."

Two days later, they found themselves settling into their stay at Flisk's tea house. Julius persistently tried to sway Flisk into aiding their cause, but they had little to offer him in return, being a man whose thoughts only focused on making profits.

"How wonderful it would be if everyone could live like this," Tom remarked, observing the carefree atmosphere of the patrons drinking and mingling at the gambling den. "Look at them; how different are they from us? They experience joy, laughter, and anger just like us. If only we could show them that we're not so different."

"Show them?" Peter retorted cynically. "Do you believe words can change anything? Stop dreaming. If words were enough, oppression would have ceased long ago. This is about the strong dominating the weak. Only brute force can put an end to it."

“We’re not doing this for our self-satisfaction.” Darius intervened. “The path we’ve taken is one in which we can’t avoid spilling blood. Along the way, each of us should prepare ourselves for those inevitable moments.”

As the conversation unfolded, a striking woman suddenly appeared and threw herself into Julius's arms, showering him with kisses before settling excitedly beside him. "You're back already! I missed you. Who are these people? Are they your friends?" Her sudden appearance left everyone bewildered.

"Annie! What... what are you doing here?" Julius stammered, caught off guard. "Guys, this is Annie. She's, uh, she's a friend," he hastily explained, trying to diffuse the tension.

Infuriated by the scene, Tom sprang up and grabbed Julius by the shirt. "You scoundrel! What's happening here? What kind of 'friend' kisses you like that?" His anger threatened to boil over, but Peter and the others quickly intervened, restraining Tom to prevent a scene.

Tom seethed with anger at Julius for betraying his cousin Avarora, but he knew causing a scene in front of everyone at Flisk's tea house would only make matters worse. Taking a deep breath to calm himself, he sat back down. "Explain yourself! Who is this woman?" he demanded.

"Who am I? Isn't it customary to introduce yourself first before asking questions?" Annie retorted, her tone confident despite the tense atmosphere.

“Guys! She’s just a friend of mine. In their culture, kissing is not a big deal. It’s a way of greeting.” Julius awkwardly defended himself

Tom, “Don’t take us for fools! What kind of culture is that?”

Annie replied, “Am sorry! Do you like Julius or something?”

Tom retorted, “insolent! How dare you accuse me of such decadence!”

Annie, “Wow! Someone knows how to speak!”

"Please, let's calm down," Julius interjected. "Annie, why are you here?"

"I came to see Flisk," she replied. "What brings you here early?"

Julius glanced around cautiously. "No one needs to know I'm here."

"Why? What trouble have you gotten into?" Annie inquired, eyeing him curiously. "And who are these men?"

Darius stepped in, trying to diffuse the tension. "Forgive our manners, my lady. I'm Darius Prowler, and these are my comrades, Tom, Hans and Peter."

“It’s a pleasure to meet you, Darius,” she replied. “I can’t say much about your companions, but you sure are a fine gentleman Mr. Prowler. If I may ask, how are you acquainted with Julius Jackman here? Do you work together at the Wellington estate?”

Darius said, “Used to. For a short while anyway. An ugly incident forced us to…seek shelter at this place.”

Annie asked, “An ugly incident! How ugly was this incident?”

Darius, “Ugly enough not to let a lovely lady such as yourself get involved in. Mr. Jackman is right. We can’t put anyone else in danger. Don’t worry, I’ll do my best and keep your…friend here…safe.”

Annie, “Are you also under the illusion that girls are too weak they need protection from men?”

Darius clarified, "Of course not! I just... I know it's not gentlemanly to put a lady in such obvious menacing danger. However, that doesn't mean I don't appreciate the unique strength women possess."

Annie, “You’re an interesting man. I am friends with the princess of the kingdom. I have access to the palace. If you’re being framed for something, I can put up a good word with the queen.”

Julius interjected, “I know how that place works. Guys, don’t even think of involving her in this, okay?” He then dragged her outside to speak in private.

Tom said, “Look at that! He’s obviously been cheating on Avarora with that woman. How can he do that to her? He’ll pay for this!”

“Maybe he’s into older women. She looks well past her middle thirties!” Hans remarked

“This is it! This is what we’ve been waiting for. Someone with access to the inner circle. We all know Flisk won’t help us. But she might just be the answer we’ve been looking for. If we can’t get weapons using the black market, then we’ll go to the very center where they’re made. Infiltrate the palace.” Peter exclaimed

Darius, “The palace! It’s too dangerous. Besides, how will we get in? We can’t even go outside this tea house in fear of getting caught.”

Peter, “They still haven’t put up wanted posters for us in the streets. This is our chance. Before they do, let’s use Annie’s help and sneak into the palace. Let’s ask her if she knows any secret pathways for us to use.”

Darius was not fond of the plan. But he realized they had few options at hand, and a bad plan was still better than nothing. So they agreed to discuss the matter with Annie without Julius’s awareness.

After she finished speaking with Darius, Annie went to see Flisk to inquire further on the reason Julius was running away from the Major.

“It appears your boy got himself into some deep trouble this time!” Flisk remarked

“What happened?” she asked

"Soon the wanted posters will describe them as criminals who infiltrated the Wellington estate, incited the servants against their master, and even harmed the major's son. They've gone as far as wreaking havoc on one of the golden mines. My sources indicate that Titus is also hunting them,"

Annie, “The Harrison boy? Why?”

“It’s safe to assume their demise is affirmed regardless of the reasons. It’s high time you discarded your toy.”

Annie, “It may be had for you to understand but I care for Julius. We’ve been together for a long time now. I may not be able to turn things around completely but I can at least save his life. Keep him safe here in the meantime.

"Your mother won't take kindly to this. They've damaged one of her prized mines, and if she finds out I've been sheltering criminals, I won't be spared.”

"Just give me a few days. As always I’ll appreciate your discretion." Annie requested before leaving for the palace to strategize a plan to save Julius.