Mornings were always the best days in London, with the warm sun shining rays from the east, some soothing rhythmic sounds from the awaking birds, and most especially, the little talks near the room... I loved it. Next to me was Henry, and the flashbacks of the previous night came to me like an overnight forgotten beat. ‘scandal’, the word alarmed, and from the view through the glamorous window, I would love to state it was around seven or eight in the morning; no one had yet quested for my audience; maybe I was still safe. I lazily left the bed, leaving Henry lying alongside, wore my prestigious, elegant cardigan, checked my face on the old reflection on one of the walls, and left the house.
"Hello, Lord Willock " The first guard greeted checking on the paper he held ‘London Times’ I knew that publishing company so well, A great company indeed. Repling was not the matter at the moment, and so I asked,